CITR - study/discussion questions chapters 9-14

Catcher in the Rye - Discussion questions, chapter 9-14 - due with the reading Monday, April 17th

***PLUS: continue to mark occurrences of themes and motifs in these chapters

  1. In what sort of hotel does Holden stay? What does he encounter? Why doesn’t he just go home? P. 60-63
  2. Who is the first person Holden calls? Why do you suppose he doesn’t arrange to meet her the next day, as she suggests? P. 63
  3. Who is Hazle Weatherfield? P. 68
  4. What is Phoebe like? How can you tell that Holden adores her?
  5. Holden remembers the time Jane cried and he kissed her. Why does he think she was crying? What do you think? P. 78
  6. What sort of place is Ernie’s? How does Holden know about Ernies?
  7. What does Holden find so bothersome about the ducks in the lagoon? What other evidence have you seen in the story that Holden doesn’t like change? P.81
  8. Why doesn’t Holden have a good time at Ernie’s? What does Holden think of all the people (including himself) in Ernies?
  9. Why does Holden start thinking about what a coward he is (p. 89)? Do you think he is a coward? What would YOU do if you found out who had stolen your gloves?
  10. How does Holden end up with a prostitute in his room? P. 90-98
  11. Why do you think he pays Sunny and has her leave without “rendering services”?
  12. How does Holden get beaten up? Afterwards, what does Holden fantasize? P. 100-104