CITR - questions chapters 1-8

Questions to complete as you read the first chapters.

  • Answer on separate sheets of paper
  • Due Tuesday, April 11th beginning of the period

1. Where does Holden go to school?

2. What was Holden’s brother doing at the time?

3. What did Holden leave on the subway?

4. What is the only class that Holden passed during the grading period?

5. What did Mr. Spencer make Holden read to him? What was it about? How do you feel about him making Holden read it?

6. Was the Ossenburger donation to Pencey, charity? Explain.

7. What kind of hat did Holden buy in New York? What purpose did it serve?

8. Describe Ackley:

9. What is Holden’s concept of good literature, what makes a good writer?

10. How did Holden know Stradlater’s date, Jane Gallagher?

11. What happens after Holden asks Stradlater about his date with Jane?

12. What does Holden write Stradlater’s essay about? Is Stradlater pleased?

13. Where did Holden go immediately after the fight?

14. What does Holden yell as he leaves the dorms?

15. Who does Holden meet on the train? What does he tell her?

16. Who is Allie?

17. Holden says he is “the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life”. Describe three of Holden’s lies?