Word from the General Chair


Word from the General Chair

Dear esteemed researchers, academics, professionals, and industry experts,

We are pleased to announce the launch of the first International Conference on Materials and Processes for Sustainable Development, and we invite you to attend this groundbreaking event.

This conference will provide a unique opportunity to engage with fellow experts and thought leaders in the field of sustainable development, as we explore the latest research and advancements in materials science and engineering.

We believe that your participation will be essential in shaping the course of sustainable development, and we encourage you to share your insights and perspectives on this critical issue.

By joining us at this conference, you will be part of a global effort to identify innovative and sustainable solutions that can help address the pressing environmental and social challenges facing our planet.

We look forward to welcoming you to this important conference and to the meaningful discussions and collaborations that will ensue.


Professor Achraf GHORBAL

General Chair of the MPSD2023