Welcome to the 16th Annual of the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay (MPNMR)

click here 2024 REGISTRATION FORM



CONTACT RAY LYVER, MPNMR CHAIR by email: chair@mpnmr.com

Donations are sent to: mpnmrtreasurer@gmail.com

We are honoured to be your National and Provincial Ride hosts for this annual event.  Since it commenced in 2009 - National Chairs, volunteers, sponsors and riders collectively have raised over $850,000 for charity. 

The MPNMR was founded in 2009, by charity minded Canadian Armed Forces Military Police, who desired to make a difference in lives of Canadian children.  This ride has grown in popularity and continues to raise awareness and support for visually challenged children across Canada.  Our charity of choice is the Military Police Fund for Blind Children (www.mpfbc.ca), administrated by Military Police, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Our event is a supported motorcycle relay, which starts in Victoria, BC, and ends in St. John’s NL, 3 weeks later. The ride is designed to welcome anyone (current or former military, police and civilians) and is not limited to motorcycles.  You will need to pre-register to assist with sponsorship/support, but you can join us for 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or the entire ride; the choice is yours. 

You are encouraged to review the information contained in this website and to join our Facebook page (MP National Motorcycle Relay ) for additional information.  

Thank you one and all who wish to help in any way this year. Please share our ride with your family and friends.  Help us make a difference in the lives of visually challenged children, no matter where they live in Canada or their visual challenges. If you know someone who needs our help, please reach out to me and we shall make all efforts to help them. 

In closing, thank you for supporting our charity and being a participant this year. Together we can continue to make a difference in the lives of the children.

For civilian riders, experienced riders, rookie riders, veteran riders, supporters, bikers, VIP children, couples, singles, sun & fun! 


In proud support of - the MP Fund for Blind Children

Donations can now also be made directly via e-transfer to mpnmrtreasurer@gmail.com