Lab Alumni

Sharvika Khochare

Sharvika graduated in 2022 with an M.Tech. degree from the Department of BSBE, IIT Jodhpur. She worked on setting up the strategy to make gene deletions in Klebsiella pneumoniae in our lab and went on to design deletion constructs for key RNA chaperones in K. pneumoniae. Her work earned her the top grade for her thesis. Sharvika is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center-EMBL Partnership for Genome Editing Technologies in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Anuja warrier

Anuja graduated in 2022 with an M.Tech. degree from the Department of BSBE, IIT Jodhpur. She worked on identifying novel determinants of hypermucoviscosity in Klebsiella pneumoniae P34, which does not harbour any known determinants of hypermucoviscosity. She earned the top grade for her thesis. Anuja has recently accepted a Ph.D. position at IISER Thiruvananthapuram.