Extensive Support Network

With thousands of technology contributors and advocates engaged in the development, documentation, testing and marketing of Mozilla Thunderbird, a rich ecosystem of support resources and tools is available. Online documentation, tutorials, FAQs and links to commercial support partners are available online at Independent news, commentary and community support is available from mozillaZine at

A tarball of the Thunderbird 2 source code is available for download. The latest development code can be obtained by cvs. Thunderbird-specific source is in "mozilla/mail", "mozilla/mailnews", "mozilla/toolkit", and "mozilla/chrome". Please follow the build instructions.

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Hello I am Peruvian, I have a question, I recently installed mozilla thunderbird in Ubuntu 12.04 but I would like to change the default path where this client to download messages. For example, I change the path in Outlook (*. Pst) are located in the disk D, something I do to mozilla thunderbird. Thanks.

How separate are we talking? I can see the ISPDB is quite an independent service and I can see things like build infrastructure being separated too. What about the more public-facing but more shared services, such as the website ( -GB/thunderbird/), downloads or even this blog?

We will prioritize services that are either simple to migrate or currently require extra maintenance by Mozilla Corporation staff. As you mentioned, build infrastructure is one of those services and pretty high up on the list. The website is already in the process of being moved to thunderbird.net, which includes separate hosting. We will collaborate with Mozilla to ensure a good prioritization, at the time I do not know what services will continue to be hosted by Mozilla once we are done.

When its commercial development was halted, users started to complain about multiple software glitches and a lack of regular product updates. You can still enjoy the great functions of Thunderbird - adding unlimited email accounts, a unified inbox and calendar at no cost. But should you really put up with several email sending issues in thunderbird, outdated interface, lack of intuitiveness, and regular bugs? 006ab0faaa

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