The firmware associated with this standard release version of the Logix Designer application does not support redundancy. RSLogix 5000 software versions 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, and 20 support redundancy, but a separate firmware revision for the hardware in the local chassis is required. The redundancy firmware revisions are released later than the standard revisions are released and are available for download via the same methods as for standard firmware. Go to for a matrix detailing the revisions of redundancy firmware that were released for each of the versions of RSLogix 5000 software, and to download the ControlFLASH firmware kits and release notes. Note that you will need your RSLogix 5000 serial number to complete the download.

When RSLogix 5000 software is launched for the first time after restarting your personal computer, it may take 1 to 3 minutes for RSLogix 5000 software to be available for use. This behavior is also exhibited when launching FactoryTalk Administration Console or any other product that uses FactoryTalk Services Platform. Note that subsequent launches of these applications will not experience this behavior. This is only observed on the first launch of the application after a restart of the personal computer. If you experience launch times significantly longer than 3 minutes, refer to the firewall configuration settings in Tech Note #29402

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When opening a project in Studio 5000 Logix Designer, all Studio 5000 Logix Designer and RSLogix 5000 recent projects are overridden by the most recent saved project.

This anomaly first identified in version 21.03.02.

Studio 5000 Logix Designer has a fatal error when saving a project using an RSNetWorx for EtherNet/IP file that is embedded in a 1756-EN2T in slot 0 and a 1756-L73S in slot 1/2 during the merging connection output step.

This anomaly first identified in version 27.00.01.

Important: As a result of a correction of this anomaly, AOI signatures that were signed in a previous version of RSLogix 5000, or Studio 5000 Logix Designer will break upon import or project conversion into version 29.00 of Studio 5000 Logix Designer. You must un-seal and then re-seal each AOI to get a new signature.

In version 28 of Studio 5000 Logix Designer, an existing project can be converted to use the 5x80 family of controllers. However, once a project is converted to use a 5x80 controller, the project cannot be reverted back to use the previous controller type by using the Controller Properties dialog box Change Controller option. The original controller for the project will not be a controller type option in the Change Controller dialog box drop down menu.If a project needs to be reverted back to the previous family of the controller, the project will need to be exported to an .L5k or .L5x file format and then manually modified. Refer to the Logix5000 Controllers Import/Export Reference Manual, publication1756-RM084 for more information about modification of the controller type.

This revision of Logix5000 controllers may require more memory than earlier revisions. To estimate additional memory requirements for your application, you can either use the memory estimation tool provided with Logix Designer application or the tables provided in these release notes.

Each of these formats is documented in Logix5000 Controllers Import/Export Reference Manual, publication 1756-RM084, which also describes modifications that can be made for backward compatibility of export format files.

The Import/Export version number for this version of Logix Designer application has been changed. If you export files (*.L5K) that were created in versions of RSLogix 5000 software with an Import/Export version number less than 2, and you attempt to import them in the latest version of the application, an error is generated. The error message is "Failed to open file *.L5K. Syntax error found while scanning the Import file." To work around the anomaly, edit the *.L5K file and change the line IE_VER := x.x;, where x.x may be 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 to IE_VER := 2.11;, save the file and retry the import.

If the product described by the EDS file is to be used in the I/O configuration using EDS AOP, any EDS files that have been registered for RSLogix 5000 software version 19 and earlier must be re-registered after the installation of RSLogix 5000 software version 20 or later.

With the introduction of the CIP Motion Load Observer enhancement in version 19 of RSLogix 5000 software, the out-of-box calculations for several CIP Axis attributes were impacted. In particular, the Position Loop Bandwidth attribute and the Position Error Tolerance attribute will be automatically adjusted when the Load Coupling is change from Rigid to Compliant and Use Load Ratio is enabled.

RSLogix 5000 software version 18 has replaced the concept of Coordinated System Time (CST) Mastership with the more comprehensive notion of Time Synchronization, also referred to as CIP Sync Time Coordination. The Date/Time page of the controller properties has been modified to reflect this change.

For projects created with RSLogix 5000 software version 17 or earlier, if Coordinated System Time Master (CST) is enabled, then the converted project has the Time Synchronization setting enabled. For more information about time synchronization using CIP Sync Time Coordination, refer to the Integrated Architecture and CIP Sync Configuration Application Technique, publication IA-AT003.

If Logix Designer application was installed by using the default installation path, the Online Books can be accessed from links provided in pdf files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockwell Software\RSLogix 5000\Common\\Start Page\Docs\. The Vendor Sample Projects can be accessed from links provided in the file C:\Users\Public\Documents\Studio 5000\Samples\\\Third Party Products\Vendor Sample Projects.pdf.

In RSLogix 5000 software version 20, overflow checking for immediate operand values has been extended to all radix formats. Earlier versions of RSLogix 5000 software checked Octal values (that is, 8#nnn) for overflow into a 32-bit integer. Starting with RSLogix 5000 software version 20, immediate operand values of any integer-type radix (Hexadecimal, Decimal, Octal, or Binary) are checked for overflow into a 32-bit integer. The overflow conditions are indicated as errors during the verification process. (Lgx00116816)

The hardwired digital inputs on the Kinetix 6200 S0 Enhanced Safe Torque-off Drive and S1 Advanced Safety Drive are now populated via 4 hardwired connections representing 7 selectable inputs. With the introduction of these profiles in version 17 of RSLogix 5000 software, users must develop application logic to map these inputs. This must be done via the MSG command, Read_IDN, Write_IDN to SERCOS Identification Number P-0-52, 53, 54, and 55. This data must be rewritten at each power-up of the SERCOS Ring. The user's application must be written to make proper use of these digital inputs within the context of the associated motion instructions.

If you currently use a Custom RSLogix 5000 Motion Database in RSLogix 5000 software version 12 through 17, you need an updated motion database to work with versions 18 or later. The following table lists the motion database revisions that are used with these application versions.

Beginning with RSLogix 5000 software version 20, the superimposed motion behavior has changed. In Absolute mode, when Superimposed mode is programmed, the path is shifted by the superimposed motion, except for moves in the following conditions: (1) Sequence of moves using any termination type other than TT0 or TT1, (2) a merge, or (3) when the queue becomes empty.

This change allows for the capability of any path that is drawn on a table moving in either the X or Y direction as a result of superimposed motion to look exactly the same as if it were drawn on a stationary table. In RSLogix 5000 software version 19, the path was not shifted when Superimposed mode is programmed and this was not achievable. (Lgx00122482)

In version 16, the SFCRESTART attribute has been removed from the PROGRAM class for the GSV and SSV instructions. This attribute was not used in earlier versions of Logix5000, and it will now report a verification error if present.

A new 64-bit Long INTeger data type (LINT) was introduced in version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software. This data type is currently used only for date and time stamps for the analog and digital alarm instructions (ALMA and ALMD). In the CPR 9 release of FactoryTalk View SE, these LINT time stamp values can be seen only on the Alarm Summary, Alarm Banner, and Alarm Log. LINT time stamps cannot be seen on custom FactoryTalk View SE graphics. Support of LINT time stamp values on custom graphics will be added to a future release of FactoryTalk SE.

The Controller time object was modified in version 16 of RSLogix 5000 software to support future alarms and events functionality. Time stamps now use Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If the logic in your application reads or sets the controller clock by using the GSV/SSV attribute DateTime, then this logic should be updated to use the new attribute LocalDateTime. You may also need to make other modifications to your application as a result of this change. (Lgx00072073, Lgx00072238)

In order to more effectively address software error conditions, starting with version 15.00, the Fatal Error information is also stored in a file named RSLogix 5000 Fatal Error.Dmp. This file, containing the exact memory image at the time the error occurred, greatly extends our ability to determine the cause of the Fatal Error and to address product anomalies if those were the case. Due to the size of the dump file, special arrangements must be made in order for Technical Support to acquire these files. If it is not needed, the RSLogix 5000 Fatal Error.Dmp file can also be deleted.

RSLinx software maintains knowledge of the memory layout of a Logix5000 controller in order to optimize the data access performance when accessing the data in these controllers. However, changes made to an offline project that are then downloaded can result in RSLinx software attempting to access tag information that is no longer present. When this occurs, RSLinx software halts the communications to the controller. 006ab0faaa

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