This feature allows the application of numbered or lettered exhibit stamps to existing PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat.


Place this file in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\11.0\Stamps, or for WinXP in C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\11.0\Stamps (choose the folder for your current version of Acrobat),

then restart Acrobat. 


---------------------- Using the Dynamic Exhibit Stamp ----------------------

1) Choose Comment, Annotations, Stamp Tool (you can also add it to your toolbar)

2) Click the Stamp Tool

3) Choose the Exhibit Stamp Category

4) Choose a stamp and click to place it on the document

5) Enter the Exhibit Number

6) The stamp will be placed on the document.

Instructions can be downloaded here.

This feature allows the application of numbered or lettered exhibit stamps directly to existing PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat, without having to print and rescan the document. (Not sure if this works in Acrobat Reader, you may need the Standard or Pro version of Acrobat).

Adobe Exhibit Stamp Download

Download 🔥 🔥

- Depending on your configuration or version of Acrobat, you may need to look for the Stamps folder. One way to find the correct Stamps folder on your computer may be to create a new 'test' stamp of your own, using any graphic available, and then look for a Stamps folder with a file with today's date (i.e. the current date that you created the 'test' stamp).

Launch Acrobat, and open the PDF you wish to apply an exhibit stamp to

1) Choose Comment, Annotations, Stamp Tool (you can also add it to your toolbar)

2) Click the Stamp Tool

3) Choose the 'Exhibit Stamp' category

4) Choose a stamp style and click to place it on the document

5) Enter the Exhibit Number, when prompted

6) The stamp will be placed on the document, and can be re-positioned as needed.

Hello, my first question is are exhibit stickers and exhibit stamps considered the same thing? Either way, is there a way within acrobat pro 11 to add exhibit stickers? I have searched the web and youtube and couldn't find anything within Acrobat that allows you to do it. I have only found 3rd party tools. Thanks in advance.

Many thanks to JavaScript guru Karl Heinz Kremer who provided the original sample code and posted it to his blog. I added some additional stamp variations and renamed the stamps so that you can use these stamps along with my original set.

If you have access to the stamp file itself you need to copy it directly into the Stamps folders of the new version of Acrobat. If you tell us your OS version and version of Acrobat we could help you find it.

You apply a stamp to a PDF in much the same way you apply a rubber stamp to a paper document. You can choose from a list of predefined stamps, or you can create your own stamps. Dynamic stamps obtain information from your computer and from the Identity panel of the Preferences dialog box, allowing you to indicate name, date, and time information on the stamp.

You can create custom stamps from a number of different formats, including (but not limited to) PDF, JPEG, bitmap, Adobe Illustrator (AI), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), and Autodesk AutoCAD (DWT, DWG) files. In Acrobat Reader, create Custom stamp allows only PDF format.

To add an image to a PDF one time only,simply paste the image into the document. Pasted images have thesame characteristics as other stamp comments; each includes a pop-upnote and editable properties.

Yup. There are instructions online, -exhibit-stamps. You may need to unhide files in order to find the Stamps folder, but when you find it, and follow the pretty simple instructions, have mercy, YOU CAN DO ELECTRONIC TRIAL EXHIBIT STICKERS!!!

Did you know all lawyers must keep a proper filing system to keep track of active clients? Lawyers may handle many cases within a month. To document their files in an organized manner, they use an exhibit sticker.

Exhibit stickers are otherwise known as exhibit labels. They use these to file pleadings, exhibits, letters, reports, trial documents, and depositions. These stickers can save lawyers a lot of time by organizing their documents.

Preparing exhibits for trial or court hearings, though not glamorous, is an essential task in the practice of courtroom litigation. Depending on the volume and type of exhibits, this necessary task can quickly turn tedious if you must print each exhibit, affix a physical sticker, fill out the exhibit and case information by hand, then scan and submit the stickered exhibit. In the heat of trial where last minute changes take place frequently, it is easy to make mistakes. However, with the right type of technology, such as Adobe Acrobat Pro (or Standard), this process can be done more smoothly, help reduce opportunities for making errors, and done more quickly than the old school method of stickers and paper If you have Adobe Acrobat*, we suggest considering using digital (electronic) exhibit stickers for your next case.

This post will walk you through how you can create digital exhibits on your own, including the process of installing a sticker that takes the form of a custom Acrobat stamp. The stamp will allow you to quickly fill in the exhibit and case numbers for your case, and will automatically remember your previous entries the next time you use it.

1. Save the file CAEDDigitalExhibit.pdf to your desktop temporarily and close all Adobe Acrobat or Reader windows

2. Go to start > Computer

3. Navigate to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\[version]\Stamps folder

4. Move or Copy the file from your desktop to this folder (it will be safe to remove the file from your desktop)

5. Open the Exhibit PDF to apply the Exhibit stamp in Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat

6. Go to Comments > Annotations > Stamps, and click on the Exhibit stamp inside "CAED Trial Exhibit Stamps"

7. You should see a popup asking for the Party type, Case Number, Exhibit Number, Starting page, and Ending page; just fill in the information, then apply the Stamp on PDF, resize and move it around as necessary.

1. Save the file CAEDDigitalExhibit.pdf to your desktop temporarily and close all Adobe Acrobat or Reader windows

2. In Finder, hold down Option key first; click the GO menu then click Library

3. Navigate to Library>Application Support>Adobe>Acrobat>[version]>Stamps folder

4. Move or Copy the file from your desktop to this folder (it will be safe to remove the file from your desktop)

5. Open the Exhibit PDF to apply the Exhibit stamp in Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat

6. Go to Comments > Annotations > Stamps, and click on the Exhibit stamp inside "CAED Trial Exhibit Stamps"

7. You should see a popup asking for the Party type, Case Number, Exhibit Number, Starting page, and Ending page; just fill in the information, then apply the Stamp on PDF and resize or move it around if needed.

The All-In-One E-Stickers let you customize your digital sticker with a custom title, your name, deponent name, date or any other information that is relevant to your needs. You can also choose from a variety of colors. The powerful auto-incrementing and auto-numbering feature sequentially numbers/letters your E-Sticker for you as you place each stamp. It even remembers the next number you need to begin with, saving you time and peace of mind.

The E-Sticker provides you with an easy to use solution for navigating this new virtual world.

The powerful auto-incrementing and auto-numbering feature sequentially numbers/letters your E-Sticker for you as you place each stamp. It even remembers the next number you need to begin with, saving you time and peace of mind. Our newest feature lets you select the name of your document as the exhibit number, saving you even more time if your documents are pre-prepped.

The E-Sticker is a plug-in specifically created to add electronic exhibit stickers to your PDF files directly within Adobe Acrobat. It works with Adobe Acrobat versions X, XI & DC (2015, 2017, 2019) and also the Acrobat Free Reader (version X or higher).

If you are a Nuance, Nitro or other third party PDF user, no problem. Simply work with your PDFs in your program of choice and when you are ready to add exhibit labels, open your PDFs with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader XI, select your E-Sticker and stamp away.

The price point is certainly better but, once again, NO BATCH and as far as I can tell NO INCREMENTAL ADDING. Yeah, um NO THANKS! Also, there is a 19-step installation procedure and a pleasant, red, Warning: Javascript that displays on the window where you add the exhibit stamp information.

Their options for placement of the stamp is also lacking. You can only choose to have the stamp in the upper right, upper left, bottom right or bottom left (what if all those locations still cover up part of the exhibit??)

This is an actual separate program that installs on your computer. Not a plug-in. Not a component of a larger software. Its sole purpose is to apply exhibit stamps to PDFs and it does a fantastic job. You import your PDF, choose your stamp, choose any sort of prefix and opt to automatically add the filename as the stamp (minus the file extension), or use the incrementing feature. Once you set up your stamp, you simply drag it to the location on your first page of the PDF and it applies subsequent stamps at the relative location on all of the first pages. You can then QUICKLY go through and QC the location and easily drag any stamps that cover up text to a new location, export your PDFs and you're done. Watch the video for a better explanation than what I can provide:



This is my first visit here, so I apologise if this is in the wrong board. I have searched for this topic on the boards and whilst their is a similar question, it was not solved.


I have to send a pdf document to a client who must print it out and manually sign it in various places (electronic signing is not possible we need a signature on the printed paper). After looking at the options I explored with the "Stamp" function. I have saved the document with the "stamp" "Sign Here", however, I cannot stop it from printing this out.


In essence I want to be able to save the pdf file with the "sign here" stamp on the document but when its printed out it doesnt have this it on the printed page. I'm really not bothered if its a stamp or not, I just need a solution that shows where the client signs, but does not get printed up when they sign.It just seems obvious to use the one provided if i can get it to work the way I want it to.


Many thanks


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