Version 13 Update Training Videos

"Mozaik Features and Improvements"

Glass Layer

Glass Layer - "Glass" layer that may be turned off to allow cabinet interiors to be seen through glass doors in elevations.

Dimension Invisible Walls

Dimension Invisible Walls- "Dimension Invisible Walls" layer that may be turned on to allow non-visible walls such as an Island wall to automatically display dimensions.

Wall Fill

Wall Fill- "Wall Fill" layer that may be turned on to allow a light gray fill inside the wall borders when using the drawing modes "Simplified (No Fills)", "Wireframe", or "Hidden Line".  This will enhance the actual wall during the design and submittal stages of the project.

Show for Face Frame

Show for Face Frame- "Show for Face Frame" layer for door dimensions on a Face Frame construction method that will display the actual door sizes when turned "On".  When the "Show for Face Frame" layer is turned "Off" it will display the Face Frame opening size.

Line Weights

Line Weights - Adjust "Line Weights" in the Room Layers and designate a Solid, Dotted, or Dashed line.  You can even update the color of the Line.

"Pricing" Drawer Box Volume-Splashes-Waterfalls

Pricing - "Drawer Box Volume", "Splashes", and "Waterfalls" will give you the ability to add a price per drawer box based on the Volume of the drawer box, per backsplash by pricing a back splash per square foot, and if you use a Waterfall Edge detail on a countertop you can now add the Sq. Ft. pricing to the Waterfall.

Use Pocket Tool

Use Pocket Tool - "Use Pocket Tool" feature, this feature will automatically select the correct diameter Pocket Tool in your tool set for the width of the pocket operation.  This feature is great when you have more than one diameter Pocket Tool in the ATC Tool Set.   

Job Notes

Job Notes - "Job Notes" setup a custom Job Notes section to be used in all jobs, variables are created that can be used in the NBM Label App, Multi Print or Assembly Sheets.

Part Color & Part Rotation

Part Color - Assign a specific color to a part in the Parts Library so when the part is sent to the Optimizer it will be designated by the chosen color.   

Part Rotation - Grain column in the Parts Library is now called "Allow Rotation".   When default is selected this will be the default of the Grain designation before the update.  "Allow" will allow parts to be rotated if Grain is checked in the Material Library and "Never" will not allow Grained parts to be rotated.

"Optimizer Features and Improvements"

Bump in 4 Directions + Rotate Parts

Bump in 4 Directions - Nested parts can be "Bumped in 4 Directions", you can select a part on a nested sheet and bump the part Up, Down, Left, or Right.  A Hotkey can also be used when selecting a part to bump by holding the Shift key plus the arrows on the keyboard to activate bumping.  Shift key plus "Q" will rotate parts.

Cutout Tool per Material

Cutout Tool per Material - In the ATC Toolset if you have multiple tools with the tool type selected as "Cutout" you have the option to assign any of the Cutout tool types to a specific material.   Example: If you use a "Chip Breaker" you can assign to all the plywood materials and if you use a "3/8" Compression" you can assign this to MDF or Particle Board.

Sequence Large Parts First

Sequence Large Parts First - In the Optimizer tab in the Mozaik Optimizer you can select the check box for "Sequence Large Parts First" and Mozaik will automatically place larger parts on the first sheets and fill the remaining area of the sheet with small parts.  This feature will create a better yield on the materials.

Reverse Roll Label Order

Reverse Roll Label Order - If you subscribe to the NBM Labels and use a Thermal Roll Label Printer you can select the "Reverse Roll Label Order" and print the labels starting from the last part of the sheet to the first part of the sheet.  

Add for Blind Bore

Add for Blind Bore- When usings a Forstner drill bit or a brad point drill bit the "Add for Blind Bore" can be added to compensate the distance from the bit Center Spur to the Cutting Teeth.  This will allow for accurate tool touch off and tool measuring, in turn making for more accurate depths for cabinet fasteners suchs as a Cabineo or Rafix.

Parts Tab Show/Hide Columns

Parts Tab Show/Hide Columns - Use to remove or add different columns in the Optimizer Parts tab.  Will help in better organization and ability to read the Parts Tab information more clearly.

Allow Packing to 4 Corners

Allow Packing to 4 Corners - When optimizing parts on the materials you can select which corner of the material you would like to Nest the part too.  This does not have any of effect on the Machining 0,0 origin.

Machine Dialog

Machine Dialog - Updated Machine Dialog in Optimizer and removed conflicting settings and added additional CNC Subtypes for the Mozaik Enterprise Edition.  Auto Remnants sizing can be selected along with Machine Abbreviation names.   Toolsets can also be assigned per CNC Machine.

Note: This video discussed both Mozaik CNC Version and Mozaik Manufacturing plus Optimizer Version.

Auto Remnant

Auto Remnant - You can set a specific edge length for the length and width and Mozaik will automatically size 1-remnant per sheet that is the same edge length or larger.

Cutout Strategy - Per Part
1st Pass & 2nd Pass 

Cutout Strategy - This training video will go through the steps to activate the 1st Pass and 2nd Pass cut direction when you are using Onion Skin, Return Skin, or Full Sheet Skin when the Cutout Strategy is set to Per Part.

Cutout Strategy - Stay Down
1st Pass & 2nd Pass 

Cutout Strategy - This training video will go through the steps to activate the 1st Pass and 2nd Pass cut direction when you are using Full Sheet Skin when the Cutout Strategy is set to Stay Down.

Custom GCode File Names
Custom GCode File Name - This training video will go through the steps to setup a Custom GCode File Name.  A list of file name variables can be chosen to create a unique GCode file name.

"Version 13.0.6"

Country of Registration
Country of Registration - Enhancements were made when you select Email Current Job to Helpdesk by selecting the Country of Registration to better serve Mozaik Customers.  This allows Mozaik to properly assign the Helpdesk ticket to the appropriate Helpdesk team based on the Country of Registration.