The Speakers

Jianhua Yao, Ph.D.

Dr. Jianhua Yao, currently the AI Healthcare chief scientist in Tencent AI Lab, is in charge of the frontier research and application development in AI healthcare. His research areas include medical image analysis, precision medicine, genomic data analysis, and computer assisted surgery. His google citations are over 15000, with h-index 50. He serves as guest editors for several AI medical imaging special issues, and area chairs for several AI conferences. Dr. Yao holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from the Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Yao is a fellow of AIMBE.

Florian Jug, Ph.D.

Dr. Florian Jug holds a PhD in Computational Neuroscience from the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science at ETH Zurich. His research aims at pushing the boundary of what AI and machine learning can do to better analyze and quantify biological data. At HT, Dr. Jug covers the full breadth of bio-image computing, from research on novel methods for computer vision and machine learning, all the way to offering bio-image analysis as a service. Dr. Jug is a strong proponent of open access science, open AI and ML methods, and open-source software. His team is a core contributor to Fiji (~100,000 active users) and collaboratively develops open methods such as CARE, Noise2Void, PN2V, DivNoising, etc. He organizes scientific conferences (e.g the I2K conference), workshops (e.g., the BIC workshops at top-tier computer vision conferences) and various practical courses on machine learning for bio-image analysis (e.g. DL@MBL in Woods Hole) or microscopy (e.g. Quantitative Imaging at Cold Spring Harbor).

Kevin W. Eliceiri, Ph.D.

Dr. Eliceiri is the RRF Walter H. Helmerich Professor of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is an investigator in the Morgridge Institute for Research and member of the UW Carbone Cancer Center. He is also associate director of the McPherson Eye Research Institute and director of the Center for Quantitative Cell Imaging. His laboratory (known as the Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation (LOCI)) is a biophotonics research group dedicated to the development and application of optical and computational technologies for cell studies. They are the lead developer of several open-source imaging software packages including FIJI and ImageJ. His instrumentation efforts involve novel forms of polarization, laser scanning and multiscale imaging. Eliceiri has authored more than 250 scientific papers on various aspects of optical imaging, image analysis, cancer and live cell imaging.