Call for Paper

Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline: June 25 2022 July 07 2022

Notification of Decisions: July 20, 2022

Camera Ready Papers: July 30, 2022

Workshop Event: September 18, 2022

Submission link :

The CMT submission link:

Scope of the Workshop:

Optical Imaging and microscopy imaging are both ubiquitous and indispensable in biology, healthcare, pharmacology, and education. New imaging technologies have been translated to clinical application, and some are on the doorstep. Joint efforts from medical image analysis, optics, and microscopy are still needed to fully discover the potential of increasingly complicated multi-modal images and promote them as routine laboratory and clinical practice. The recent advances in medical image analysis (MIA) and machine learning (ML) methods have enabled new utility of existing imaging and processing technology.


Topics include but are not limited to the medical image analysis and machine learning methods for:

  • Optical imaging and/or microscopy imaging

  • Biomedical optics

  • Virtual microscopy

  • Biological and pathological image analysis

  • Digital pathology

  • Light sheet microscopy

  • Nonlinear microscopy

  • Super resolution microscopy

  • Lattice light sheet microscopy

  • Optogenetics

  • Deconvolution algorithms

  • Inverse problem solving

  • Hyperspectral imaging

  • Electron microscopy

  • Fluorescent microscopy

  • Live cell imaging

  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

  • Biomedical optics

  • In vivo imaging

  • Fluorescence imaging

  • Photoacoustic imaging

  • Raman spectral imaging

  • Optical endoscopy

  • Optical imaging guided surgery

  • Optical microscopy for biology and pathology

  • Optical component design

  • Optical Information Processing

  • diagnostic using optical imaging

  • Optical signal and image processing

  • Image compression, optical sensing, compressive sensing

  • Computational Imaging

  • Super resolution microscopy

  • Multi-modal microscopy

Submission Format:

In general, the format requirements are the same as MICCAI 2022 main conference.

  • Modification to manuscript template: Papers must be submitted electronically in searchable pdf format following the guidelines for authors and LaTeX and MS Word templates available at Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

  • Manuscripts should be up to 10-pages (8-pages (text, figures and tables) plus up to 2 pages of references).

  • The review process is double-blind, i.e. the names of the authors, reviewers, and area chairs are not revealed to each other. Papers must thus be properly anonymized before submission.

  • Domain conflicts: To avoid conflict of interest among the authors, reviewers and meta-reviewers, all co-author information and a complete and accurate list of domain conflicts must be entered in the submission form by the submission deadline. For the same reason (to avoid conflict of interest during the review process), the author list must be complete at submission time.

Paper Publication:

Accepted papers will be published by Springer Nature as a part of the MICCAI Satellite Events joint LNCS proceedings. Among the accepted full papers, MOVI will give awards to the best papers with certification.