
Published papers (in English)

Fearghal, K., Ma, T., Movaghari, H., and Sermpinis, G. (2024). Cyber risk, ChatGPT and firm value, Risk Analysis, R&R.

Movaghari, H., Tsoukas, S., Vagenas-Nanos, E. (2024). Corporate cash policy and double machine learning, International Journal of Finance and Economics, R&R.

Supplementary: [SSRN version][GitHub project]

Presented at: 2022 Annual Conference of the Money, Macro and Finance, University of Kent, UK, 2023 FMA European Conference, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2023 Finance and Business Analytics Conference, Lefkada, Greece, 2023 Economics of Financial Technology Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Elyasiani, E. and Movaghari, H. (2024). Time-varying coefficients for cash holdings, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, R&R.

Movaghari, H., and Sermpinis, G. (2024). Heterogeneous impacts of cost of carry on corporate money demand, European Financial Management, doi:

Supplementary: [SSRN version]

Movaghari, H, Serletis, A., and Sermpinis, G. (2024). Money demand stability: New evidence from transfer entropy, International Economics, doi:  

Supplementary: [SSRN version][data]

Elyasiani, E., and Movaghari, H. (2022). Determinants of Corporate Cash Holdings: An Application of robust variable selection technique, International Review of Economics and Finance, 80, 967-993. doi: 

Supplementary: [SSRN Version] [R code at GitHub]

Presented at: 2021 FMA’s European Conference (virtual), Limassol, Cyprus.

Sohrabi, N., & Movaghari, H. (2020). Reliable factors of Capital structure: Stability selection approach. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 77, 296-310. doi: 

Supplementary: [ResearchGate Version]

Elyasiani, E., Jia, J. and Movaghari, H. (2019). Determinants of Dividend Payout and Dividend Propensity in an Emerging Market, Iran: An Application of the LASSO, Applied Economics, 51(42), 4576-4596. doi: 

Published papers (in Persian)

Raei, R., Fayyaz-Heydari, K., Basakha, H. and Movaghari, H. (2019). Identification of Factors affecting Corporate Cash Holdings in Tehran Stock Exchange: Robust variable selection Technique, Journal of Financial Researches, 21 (1), 1-18.

Fahim, S.R., Sohrabi, N. and Movaghari, H. (2015). Stock Return Prediction using LASSO, Accounting and Auditing Studies, 13, 40-53.

Kazemi, M. Saffarzadeh, M. Movaghari, H. and Fallah-zavare, M. (2015). A Method for Estimating Costs of Road Traffic Crashes in Iran, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 6, 627-640.

Sohrabi, N, Movaghari, H. and Fayyaz-Heydari, K (2013). Displaying Bivariate Data, Andishe, 18, 59-69.

Rahimi, A.M., Kazemi, M. and Movaghari, H. (2012). Forecast of Deaths of Road Traffic Crashes and Estimating the Value of a Statistical Life, Journal Management System, 74, 13-25.

Rahimi, A.M., Kazemi, M. and Movaghari, H. (2011). Designing a prediction model for the number of fatalities in urban crashes, Traffic Management Studies, 23, 19-46.

Movaghari, H. and Hosseininasab, S.M.E. (2011). Variable Selection via Penalty Function, Andishe, 15, 65-77.

Hosseininasab, S.M.E., Movaghari, H, and Basakha, M. (2011). Factors Affecting Value Added of Iranian Industrial Workshops with Ten or more Workers, Journal of Economic Research, 45.

Working Papers

Movaghari, H. and Quentin, M. (2024). LASSO for environmental fines.

Movaghari, H. Sermpinis, G., Vagenas-Nanos, E. (2024). Decision to diversify or focus: A tree-based decision rule.

Movaghari, H. and Bates, T., Eskandari, R. (2024). Determinants of cash concentration.

Movaghari, H. Sermpinis, G., Vagenas-Nanos, E., Mavis, C. (2023). Machine learning and M&A's abnormal return.


Fayyaz-Heydari, K, and Movaghari, H. (2013). Overfitting and underfitting in variable selection, (In Persian) [Unpublished]. [Download]

Movaghari, H. and Basakha, M. (2010). Diagnostics in Panel Data: Health Care Expenditure in Developing Countries, (In Persian) [Unpublished].


Movaghari, H. and Hosseininasab, S.M.E. (2007). Model Selection Criteria in Linear Regression Models, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (In Persian) [Unpublished]. [Download]

Movaghari, H. and Hosseininasab, S.M.E. (2007). Panel Data Modeling, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (In Persian) [Unpublished].

Seminar & Conference Presentation 

Movaghari, H., Sermpinis, G., Vagenas-Nanos, E., Mavis, C. (2024). The M&As Factor Zoo, Finance and Business Analytics Conference, Athens, Greece. 

Movaghari, H., Sermpinis, G., Tsoukas, S., Vagenas-Nanos, E. (2023). Corporate cash policy and double machine learning, Economics of Financial Technology Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK. [Agenda of the conference]

Movaghari, H., Sermpinis, G., Tsoukas, S., Vagenas-Nanos, E. (2023). Corporate cash policy and double machine learning, Finance and Business Analytics Conference, Lefkada, Greece. [Agenda of the conference]

Elyasiani, E., and Movaghari, H. (2021). Determinants of Corporate Cash Holdings: An application of robust variable selection technique, FMA’s European Conference (virtual), Limassol, Cyprus.[download]

Fayyaz-Heydari, K. and Movaghari, H. (2014). Customer Satisfaction Index of Students at Payame Noor University of Guilan Province, The 7th Statistical Conference, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

Fayyaz-Heydari, K. and Movaghari, H. (2012). Over-fitting and under-fitting in variable selection, The 11th Statistical Conference, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran