
Mourad Benoussaad

Associate professor 

MAVRICS research group (Mechatronics, Automatic control, Virtual reality and Robotics for the InteraCtion of Systems)

LGP (Laboratoire Génie de Production)

UTTOP (University of Technology Tarbes Occitanie Pyrénées)

Toulouse University


47, Avenue d'Azereix

65000 Tarbes - FRANCE

Phone: +33 567 450 111

Email: mbenouss 'at' uttop 'dot' fr


Since 2014, I am an associate professor at INP-ENIT (Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieur de Tarbes) of the University of Toulouse and LGP Laboratory (Laboratoire Génie de Production).  Born in 1979, I received a Ph.D in Robotics and Control Theory from Science University of Montpellier (France) in 2009, which was prepared at LIRMM Lab. (INRIA-UM2-CNRS). 

I was a postdoc researcher at The University of Tokyo (JSPS-Japan) in 2010-2011 and then a postdoc researcher at Heidelberg University (Germany) during 2012-2013. In 2013-2014, I joined LIRMM robotics Lab. (INRIA-UM2-CNRS). During these postdoctoral experiences, I worked mainly on robotics, biomechanics and human motion and optimization techniques. 

In 2014, I joined INP-ENIT and Laboratoire Génie de Production (LGP) as an associate professor. I am a member of MAVRICS research group (Mechatronics, Automatic control, Virtual reality and Robotics for the InteraCtion of Systems). My actual research focus mainly on Physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI) in the context of collaborative robotics (cobotics) and active exoskeleton. I also work on modeling, estimation and control of human musculoskeletal system. I am an author and co-author of more than 20 papers in international journals and conferences in Robotics and rehabilitation engineering.  

Special Issue on "pHRI and Co-manipulation: Mechatronics Approaches", 

IFAC Mechatronics journal 

Extended Deadline: December 15th, 2021. 

The objective of this special issue is to collect articles that report the most recent accomplishments and results in the area of human-robot interaction. The special issue is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present the context or applications of their pHRI works, the challenges they are faced with, and the scientific approaches they propose to handle these, as well as the results obtained. Contributions from industry are encouraged, submitted manuscripts are expected to report experimental results and papers must contain originality. Potential topics include but are not limited to:

Submission portal opened: from February 1, 2021 

the deadline for the initial submission : June 1, 2021

Please note that all papers submitted before this deadline will undergo reviewing process as soon as possible in order to expect rapid publication.

For more information, feel free to visit the special issue web-page:



Workshop organization in IROS'2021 (online conference, Sep 27- Oct 1, 2021)

The objective of this workshop is to exchange expertise and give an overview of issues, current techniques and progress in robotic interacting with human under different aspects. The workshop should gather recent works progress and some perspectives on the interaction and collaboration between human and robot. This human-robot interaction commonly leads to a collaborative action to achieve a more complex task by ensuring a human safety. We focus here on human-robot interaction and collaboration to perform several tasks such as co-manipulation, co-assembly, handling tools, manipulating versatile objects (biological or not) and to interact with other humans. These challenging tasks present several common issues which are related to the robot force control, the interaction measurement, the interaction stability, the human safety. Beyond these, additional issues, specific to the task type and applications, can also be found, such as: 

- nature of collaboration and level of leadership between the human and the robot, 

- communication with human and interpretation of its intention, 

- consideration of human condition and ergonomics improvement, 

- ...

These presented works may have several applications, such as automotive industry, cobotics, medical (surgery), exoskeleton for assistance, watch industry, military􀂫 

Informations :

This workshop is a full-day workshop that will take place during the IROS'2021 conference, held in Prague, Czech Republic (Online) from 27th September to 1st of October 2021. 


Workshop organization in IEEE CASE'2021 (August 23-27, 2021)

To achieve advanced processes involved in smart manufacturing, robots should be able to cooperate autonomously with human operators. Some cooperation tasks require the robots to have a high degree of autonomy, which needs: a) perception and reasoning capabilities; b) adaptive and dynamic task and motion planning capabilities and c) robust grasping and manipulation capabilities. Robots, and more generally smart systems, may not be able to undertake complex tasks fully autonomously, i.e. they should be able to assist human operators whenever the task is difficult or dangerous, while also using the cognitive capacities of the human operators. In this line, the workshop will address the challenges and latest achievements related to interaction and collaboration between humans and robots or smart systems. This may include task planning and motion planning, interactive and/or immersive simulation, human operators in a collaboration with robots and smart systems. In all cases, authority sharing between humans and robots or systems, and intention detection are key challenges to be addressed. The planning and interaction features of smart robotic systems for the effective collaboration with humans may be enhanced by using knowledge. The formal representation of knowledge using ontologies provides robots with reasoning capabilities, which can be exploited to make them adaptable to changing situations.  Ontologies for perception, world modeling, planning or navigation can make robots, smart systems or simulation tools context- and self-aware, and allow them to act in a smart way.  They may supply robots, smart systems or simulation tools with trade- or task-oriented information, for a more relevant use in a given industrial context and more generally in the industry 4.0 context.?



This workshop is a full-day workshop that will take place during the IEEE CASE'2021 conference, held in Lyon, France on August 23-27, 2021

The workshop is mostly a face-to-face events, however regarding the situation of some countries and difficulties to travel, the event is hybrid including some talks and participation in a remote way. The event is a fully live event and includes panel discussions, round tables and Q&A session.