
Mount Rainier Composite Squadron Memory Work

Cadet Oath: I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program, and that I will attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state and nation. (CAPR 52-16, 1.4) (CAPP 52-25, pg. 12)

Civil Air Patrol Motto: “Semper Vigilans” (Civil Air Patrol Strategic Vision, pg. 8)

USAF Academy Honor Code: “We Will Not Lie, Steal Or Cheat, Nor Tolerate Among Us Anyone Who Does." (CAPP 265-2, pg. 40)

Founding Date of Civil Air Patrol: “December 1, 1941” (CAPP 52-25, pg 46)

Civil Air Patrol Cadet Programs Founding Date: “1 October 1942” (CAPP 52-25, pg. 46)

Founding Date of the USAF: “18 September, 1947” (National Security Act of 1947, Public Law 253, 80th Congress; Chapter 343, 1st Session; S. 758.)

Date Civil Air Patrol Became Auxiliary of the USAF: “26 May 1948” (AFI10-2701, A2.1.1.4)

Three Missions of the Civil Air Patrol: Cadet Programs, Aerospace Education, and Emergency Services. (CAPP 50-4, pg. 4)

Civil Air Patrol Core Values: “Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence, and Respect” (CAPP 50-2) (CAPP 50-4, pg. 9-11) (CAPP 52-25, pg. 10-11)

USAF Core Values: “Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in all We Do” (CAPP 50-2, pg. 3)

Nine Basic Responses to an NCO or Officer

  1. Yes, (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman)
  2. No, (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman)
  3. (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman), permission to ask a question?
  4. (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman), permission to make a statement?
  5. No excuses (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman)
  6. (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman) I do not know.
  7. (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman) I do not understand.
  8. Outstanding (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman)
  9. (Sir, Ma’am, Sergeant, Chief, Airman) the definition of (Title of Definition) is as follows...

Air Force Definition of Leadership: “The art and science of influencing and directing people to accomplish the assigned mission.” (CAPP 52-25, pg. 18)

Definition of Discipline: “Self-discipline can be defined as the ability to direct your thoughts, emotions, and actions toward a meaningful purpose.” (CAPP 52-25, pg. 16)

Definition of the Position of Attention “Heels together, feet at a forty-five degree angle, knees straight without stiffness, stomach in, chest out, shoulders back, arms straight along sides, hands cupped with thumbs along seams of trousers or skirt, head and eyes straight forward.” (Paraphrase CAPP 60-2, 3.2)

Definition of a Team: “A team is a collection of individuals who are committed to working together to achieve a common goal.” (Learn to Lead V. 1, pg. 47)

Definition of Teamwork: “A group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal while setting aside personal desires and comforts for that team.” (Adapted from Learn to Lead V. 1, pg. 47-49)

Value of Drill and Ceremonies: “On the drill field, the individual learns to participate as a member of a team and to appreciate the need for discipline. That is, to respond to authority, to follow orders promptly and precisely, and to recognize the effects of their actions on the group as a whole. Learning to follow is the beginning of leadership.” (CAPP 60-20, 1.2.1)

Other Resources

Regulations and Manuals

CAPM 39-1 Uniform Manual


CAPP 60-33 Drill Manual

CAPP 60-31 Staff Handbook

CAPP 151 Respect on Display


CAPF 31 Application for CAP Encampment or Special Activity

CAPF 32 Civil Air Patrol Cadet Activity Permission Slip

CAPF 160 CAP Member Health History Form

CAPF 161 Emergency Information

CAPF 162 CAP Member Physical Exam Form

CAPF 163 Permission for Provision of Minor Cadet Over-The-Counter Medication