Fruska Gora, also known as the "Holy Mountain" of Serbia due to the abundance of monasteries housed within it, is a must go destination. It is one of Serbia's largest National Parks with an extensive road network, interesting as well as challenging biking routes and a great number of places to explore and enjoy. Its center lies just 45km from the MotoCamp, and it is partly on the way to Novi Sad, another worthwhile visit.

Martinci to Fruska Gora:

Fruska Gora

(copyright Epistola 8, wikipedia commons)

Fruska Gora

(copyright Mashaart, Pinterest)

Beocin Monastery, Fruska Gora

Staro Hopovo Monastery, Fruska Gora

Walking in Fruska Gora

(copyright LonelyGuitarBoy, Reddit)

Hotel Norcev, Fruska Gora

(copyright Alexandar Milutinovic, Flickr)

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