What is SMP and What is Morven?

Basic SMP

A Minecraft survival multiplayer server is a vanilla server based around a community, building, and trading. At the center of the world is a town where players build shops, games, and community builds. Each players' actual base and farms are located away from spawn, spawn is simply where everyone gathers. Although players can work together to build projects, there is no joint survival or resource sharing in SMP. If someone needs something, it can be traded with other players, usually diamonds being default currency. Eventually the players reach the "late game" phase, where everyone basically has an abundance of everything Minecraft has to offer, and at this point the game is to build massive projects or creations. When this stage is reached, or even before this point, players can get bored and lose initiative to build anything. This problem is what lead to the birth of Morven.

How is Morven Different

The main difference Morven has with regular SMP is that instead of each player working on their own, you play with other players as one nation. This way players have the potential to achieve much more than what they would be able to alone. Other players also help provide new ideas, motivation, and provide a more enjoyable experience.