Rules & Server Info

Server Information

Server IP: *Available in Discord*

Server version: Spigiot 1.16.1

Server Location: Vint Hill, Virginia USA

Dynmap Link:

Admin Vods (Admins with console access stream + record their gameplay on the server, as a guarantee of fair play):


  • No griefing. (Griefing means intentionally ruining or destroying someone else's' property, build, or inventory) Pranks are okay, but do not intentionally, and for no reason, mess with other people's things

  • No killing of other members on the spawn island or inside nation territories

  • No stealing

  • No abuse in chat: No racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or any other form of major harassment [this extends to the discord channels]

  • No cheating (X-Ray, flying, hacked client, mods etc.)

  • No abuse of glitches, this includes item duplication (ONLY exceptions to this rule are as listed here:

      • carpet duplication

      • TNT duplication

      • rail duplication

      • falling block duplication

      • bedrock removal

      • portal block removal

  • AFK is allowed, but be mindful of other players [rule may change according to lag]

  • Do not alter spawn island (chop trees, dig underground, break blocks, etc.) Spawn island is reserved for community builds (shops, games, structures, etc.)

  • Once you are assigned to a nation, you cannot switch nations

  • Do not spam @ tags on discord

If you need clarification about a rule, do not agree with one or would like to discuss the addition of a new rule, please message the admin on Discord.


  • One man sleeping - allows the night to pass with just one person sleeping

  • Player heads - people have a chance to drop their heads upon killing

  • Dragon Drops Elytra - After killing the ender dragon, it will drop an elytra and a dragon egg

  • Mob Heads - Mobs have a chance of dropping their head when killed

  • Mob Griefing - Disables endermen and ghast griefing but does not affect any other mobs

  • Customizable Armor Stand - Allows players to change the orientations and positions of armor stands

  • 4 Bark Blocks - Crafting bark blocks will give 4 instead of 3

  • 12 Trapdoors - Crafting trapdoors yields more trapdoors

  • Back to Blocks - Stairs and slabs can be crafted back into blocks

  • More Bricks - Crafting bricks yields more bricks

  • More Stairs - Crafting stairs yields more stairs

  • Double Slab - Slabs can be crafted by placing one block in a crafting menu

  • The seed will not be given out as it might be abused