


山口県以外の土地を没収されたことの恨みが消えることはなく何度も徳川家に反乱を試みましたが                  30倍以上もある兵力を誇る幕府軍にあっさり失敗してしまいます。


そして現在になりますが元清の子孫も高齢化が進み子供の数も   桁外れに少なくなりました。

現在毛利に変えず苗字を残した熊本の子孫は独自に家を形成し    長男なのであと60年程度経つと自分も後に当主となります。

自分も後世にバトンタッチできるよう              元清の子孫として産まれれたことに感謝し努力を欠かさず     行っていこうと考えました。

Motokiyo's son, Hidemoto, joined the West Army of the Toyotomi family, who pri\otected the territory at the Battle of Sekigahara, and tried to attack Ieyasu with an army of 15000 people, following Ukita Hideie, But he kept secrets from Ieyasu. The battle of Sekigahara ended without doing anything without knowing that the Western army was obstructing the attack on Ieyasu.

And 80% of the territory pritected by Hideyoshi for bering on the side of the Toyotomi family from Ieyasu will be confiscated by the Tokugawa family and the Asano family. 

The resentment of hacing his territory outside Yamaguchi Prefecture confiscated does not go away, and he tries to rebal against the Tokugawa family many times, but is easily defeated by the shogunate army, which boasts more than 30 times the strength.

Partly because of this, some of Motokiyo's descendants moved to what is now Kumamoto, established small villages, and became the main farmers.

And now, the descendants of Motokiyo are also aging, and the number of children has become extremely small.

Descendants from Kumamoto who have not changed their surnames to the Mori clan formed own family, and since I am the eldest son, I will succeed the family headship about 60 years later.

I am grateful that I was born as a descendant of Motokiyo, so that I can pass the baton on to future generations, and I thought I would make every effort to do so.

The End.