

また、大友氏の攻撃を防ぐため門司城の戦いで出陣し 大友氏からの攻撃を防ぎました。






その頃、荘元祐を自身の配下としましたが毛利の保守政策に呆れた宇喜多家は織田家に寝返り  元祐は宇喜多勢に殺害されてしまいました。

後に宇喜多基家の大軍と戦い基家を流れ弾によって  戦死させ宇喜多軍を敗走させました。          しかし、宇喜多軍が敗走する中八浜七本槍と呼ばれる 士気の高い武将ら7人らとその郎党、下人が奮戦し宇喜多軍は命からがら逃げることが出来ました。



信長が死んでから元清はあっさり秀吉と講和し    当時の中国から虎2匹を献上しました。


At the age of 18, Motokiyo atacked the Ukita clan's Sarukake Castle, which had turned against the  Moti clan.                                                                                                Also, in order to prevent the Otomo cllan from attacking, he took part in the Battle of Moji Castle and defended against the Otomo clan's attack.            Around this time, he formed a de facto alliance with the Ukita clan, who had hopes for the expansion of the Moti clan's power.                                                                  In addition, Motokiyo, along with his third son , Kobayakawa Takakage,formed an alliance with the Ukita clan, who held a grudge against him, and attacked Motochika Mimura, who betrayed him, and succeeded in making him commit seppuku.

Recognized for this achievement, Motokiyo came to manage a small city with a population of about 10,000 and Sarukake Castle.

Since the name of the capital that he was managing at that time was Hoda-go, he changed my surname to "Hoida".

Motokiyo eventually surrendered Kozuki Castle, the last stronghold of the Amago clan, and detroyed the great Sengoku  daimyo.

Around that time, So Motosuke became his subordinate, but the Ukita family, appalled by Mori's conservative policies, switched sides to the Oda clan, and Motosuke was killed by the Ukita forces.

Leter, he fought against Ukita Motoie's army, killing Motoie with a stray bullet and forcing the Ukita army to glee. However, seven highly-motivated warlords called Nakahachiyama Shichihonyari, their retainers, and servants fought bravely, and the Ukita army was able yo escape with their lives.

At that time, the Mori clan, which ruled over the Chugoku region, was waging war with the Ukita clan, who had defected from the Mori clan, Nobunaga,Hideyoshi, and the Amago clan.

He ambushed Hideyoshi's army with 3000 soldiers and rescued his ally Katsura Hiroshige.

After Nobunaga died, Motokiyo made peace with Hideyoshi and presented him with two tigers from China at that time.

After that, Motokiyo dispatched troops to Korea and became the commander-in-chief of the Mori army, but fearing a battle and massacre in an unknown land, Motokiyo, at the young age of 47, fell into aneternal sleep next to his former enemy Sue Harukata.  he arrived.

  元清の墓。             戒名は洞雲寺殿笑山常快禅定門。

Tomb of Motokiyo. The posthumous posthumous Buddhist name is Shozan Jokai Zenjomon of Dounji Temple.