Transient dry eye symptoms after laser keratorefractive surgery are common, and up to 95% of patients may have dry eyes at some time post laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery [1]. Dry eye may lead to delayed corneal healing and unstable vision [2] in early stages. Patients with chronic dry eye may experience refractive degeneration and decreased vision quality [3]. Based on large statistics sample, factors contributing to the risk of dry eyes include pre-existing dry eye disease (DED) [4], being of Asian heritage [5], being female, age [6], diabetes [7] and high myopia [8]. However, the pathogenesis of dry eyes after laser keratorefractive surgery remains unclear, requiring further investigation.

In this study, VIP concentration, and the factors affecting VIP secretion in the tears of patients who underwent two surgical procedures were assessed. The factors influencing dry eye at different times post LASEK and FS-LASIK surgeries, and a possible correlation between dry eye and VIP concentration were analyzed. The purpose of this study is to explore the neural mechanisms contributing to dry eyes and provide a basis for future treatment strategies.

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(a) Graph showing results for subjects in the LASEK (EK) group. (b) Graph showing results for subjects in the FS-LASIK (FS) group (preop: preoperative, the x-axis shows the duration post-surgery). Tears were only collected from LASEK subjects 1 day post surgery to minimize the risk of damage to operated eyes

"To my friends and fans around the world, who have been asking where is Una, I want to say first praises be upon the most high in Zion for the second chance he has given me at life. Every day since my release from the hospital, tears have filled my eyes and my heart thinking what life would have been like for my children, family and friends if it was really my time," she said.

Long before written symbols, even before spoken language, our ancestors communicated by gesture. Even now, a lot of what we communicate to each other is non-verbal, partly hidden beneath the surface of awareness. We smile, laugh, cry, cringe, stand tall, shrug. These behaviours are natural, but they are also symbolic. Some of them, indeed, are pretty bizarre when you think about them. Why do we expose our teeth to express friendliness? Why do we leak lubricant from our eyes to communicate a need for help? Why do we laugh?

The bubble-wrap neurons did more than monitor. They also fed directly into a set of reflexes. When they were subtly active they biased movement away from nearby objects. When they were highly active, such as when we gave them some vigorous electrical stimulation, the result was a rapid and complete defensive movement. When we zapped a cluster of neurons that protected the left cheek, for example, a lot of things happened very quickly. The eyes closed. The skin around the left eye pursed. The upper lip pulled up hard, causing wrinkles of skin to protect the eyes from below. The head ducked and turned towards the right. The left shoulder rose. The torso hunched, and the left hand lifted and flapped to the side as if to block a threat to the cheek. This whole sequence of movements was fast, automatic, reflexive.

Imagine two monkeys, A and B. Monkey B steps into the personal space of Monkey A. The result? Those bubble-wrap neurons begin to crackle, triggering a classic defensive reaction. Monkey A squints, protecting his eyes. His upper lip pulls up. This does expose the teeth, but only as a side-effect: in a defensive reaction, the point of the curled lip is not to prepare for a biting attack so much as it is to bunch the facial skin upward, further padding the eyes in folds of skin. The ears flap back against the skull, protecting them from injury. The head pulls down and the shoulders pull up to protect the vulnerable throat and jugular. The head turns away from the impending object. The torso curves forward to protect the abdomen. Depending on the direction of the threat, the arms may pull across the torso to protect it, or may fly up to protect the face. The monkey snaps into a general defensive stance that shields the most vulnerable parts of his body.

Picture a hominid ancestor beating up one of his juniors. What useful signifier would he have looked for to know that he had gone too far and that it was time to start dispensing comfort? The answer should be obvious by now: an extreme protective stance along with alarm cries. Yet crying adds something new to the familiar defensive mix. Where did the tears come from?

Cause jah shall wash away

All the tears from my eyes

In times when the storms

And the tides are raging high

We know we shall win, yea

We know well survive, yea

Jah shall wash away all the tears oooo,

Jah shall wash away

All the tears from my eyes

In times when the storms

And the tides are raging high

We know we shall win

And we know well survive, yea

Jah shall wash away all the tears, ya-ay

Because jah shall wash away

All the tears from my eyes

In times when the storms

And the tides are raging high

We know we shall win

And we know well survive, yea

Jah shall wash away all the tears

Because jah shall wash away

All the tears from my eyes

In times when the storms

And the tides are raging high, yea ah

We know we shall win

And we know well survive, yea

Jah shall wash away all the tears

Because jah shall wash away

All the tears from my eyes

In times when the storms

And the tides are raging high

We know we shall win

We know well survive, yea

Jah shall wash away all the tears

Ann Woodburn gave him a look of mostloving thankfulness, wiped her tears from herface, and they went on, hand in hand, insilence till they came up with their companions.Let us now return to the conversationof the mother and daughters at the Grange.

Mr. Degge at once wrote to the bishop,begging for an explanation of the difficulty,and received a note from the bishop sayingthat he was himself quite favourable to hisdesire, but that there lay a little difficultyelsewhere. Mr. Degge pressed to knowwhere, and at length learned from the bishopthat it lay with the vicar. This opened hiseyes; and he ceased any further application,saying he was very foolish for entering intonegotiation for a vault while mother earth[Pg 29]was ready in a most friendly manner toreceive the remains of himself or of any onebelonging to him. His friend, Thomas Clavering,however, on hearing of this piece ofpoor equivocation, told him he might build avault, as large as he liked, in the churchyardat Cotmanhaye any day.

The moment that Mr. Barrington left, Millicentmounted her favourite dark bay mare,May Dew, and with Tom Boddily as groom,rode off to Woodburn Grange. Much love,and many congratulations on her charmingvisit to London, and welcomes back, met herthere; but as soon as she could she withdrewwith Ann into her chamber, and laidopen the astounding change in her views andfeelings. Ann Woodburn sat dumb withastonishment and concern. Millicent flungher arms round her neck, and with floods oftears begged her counsel and help in thedilemma. Counsel! help! What counsel,what help could she give if the heart of herfriend had gone from her old love to anew.

My grandfather, Governor William Peyton Duval,was a son of the good Major Duval. His boyhood wasspent in Richmond, Virginia. The house was kept byAunt Barbara, a negro woman who was almost white.A strong character, quick-witted and capable, she hadtaught herself to read and write, an almost unheard-ofaccomplishment for a negro in those far-away days,and she was painfully thrifty, locking up everything inthe establishment, and carrying a huge bunch of keysat her belt. One of them was the key to the pantry,where she spent twenty minutes every morning with alittle negro to dip out sugar, coffee, tea, flour, raisins,currants, citron, butter, lard and meal. And neverdid her lynx eyes relax their vigilance, so there were nopeculiar secret cakes from pickings in the pantry to bestealthily cooked in the cabins at nightfall, as oftenoccurred in a Southern home.

Maum Phyllis, the Voodoo witch, had been brought toTexas from South Carolina by my uncle Marcellus Duval,and my father always said she was the last slave who hadbeen born in Africa. She was so black that even her lipswere a blue-black colour; her eyes were large and rolling;she never smiled and seldom spoke. In her ears she wore bighoops of gold, and a snow-white head handkerchief insteadof the gay plaid turban always worn by other negro women.The contrast of her stern black face and the white above itwas startling. There was no scandal, no secret, no smallincident in any house in town which was unknown to her,and even white women were not above buying her lovephiltres. One of her peculiar talismans, composed of a bat'swing, a rabbit'a foot, some hemp from the rope which hadhanged a murderer, and drops of milk from the breasts of amother and daughter, each nursing a baby of the same age,was supposed to bring unwilling lovers to the most forbiddingof woman-kind. In the South, where women married veryyoung, it was not an unusual thing for the mother's youngestchild to be of the same age as her daughter's firstborn.

And yet beneath that carelessness the inexorable spiritof the country was and is always present. The way oftransgressors is not unusually hard in that dear land, but noleper in a desert island is more avoided thana hypocrite when found out; and the punishment meted outto him is remorseless. I remember a man who came toTexas, took orders for the ministry, and became assistantcurate to an Episcopal clergyman. There was a rumour thathe was married, but he was uncommunicative about hisaffairs, and nothing was definitely known until he produceda newspaper which contained a notice of the death of hisfirst wife. He fell in love with a sweet, amiable, andcharming girl, and a little later married her. It was such apretty wedding, all smiles and tears, white tulle, freshorange blossoms, white Swiss muslin, bridesmaids, manyloving gifts, and heartfelt and affectionate wishes for themodest bride. The bridegroom, a plain, dark, swarthy,unattractive man, was so filled with joy that he appearedalmost good-looking. After the marriage two children wereborn, and they were quite happy until the first wifeappeared to say that she had never died, and had neverbeen divorced from her husband. She had last heard of himin Arizona as having married a Mexican girl; then hedisappeared, and she had now traced him to Texas. A trialfor bigamy was begun, he was convicted and sentenced toserve one or two years in the penitentiary. His young wife,the mother of his children, was that most touching, amazingcreature on earth, a woman with perfect faith in the manshe loved. She did not believe the first wife's tale, nor theevidence (if she even read it), nor the jury nor the judge.She simply rested upon the word of her husband. Thisattitude aroused even the pity of the first wife, and she,upon being appealed to by the husband's counsel, agreedto divorce him. 006ab0faaa

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