Transformers: Armada, known in Japan as Super Robot Life-Form Transformers: Legend of the Microns, is a Japanese anime series produced by animation studios Actas, Studio Galapagos, and NAS and consists of 52 episodes. The anime was a co-production between Takara and Hasbro and a reboot of the franchise, featuring new concepts.[1] Despite being a Japanese production, the series premiered first in the United States. The series premiered on Cartoon Network on August 23, 2002 at 4 P.M. with a 90-minute movie special, consisting of the first three episodes.[2] Following its premiere, new episodes started coming out on August 30, airing every Friday at 6:30 P.M.[3] In the December issue of Japanese magazine Animage, it was announced that the anime would start airing in Japan on January 10, 2003 on TV Tokyo, with new episodes coming out every Friday at 6 P.M.[4]

Rad asks Optimus how to end the transformers war. Optimus explains that though both Decepticons and Autobots are the same, the Decepticons desire to rule the universe. They created an army to begin conquest of Cybertron but their progress was halted by the Autobots who sprang into action. After years of fighting, both sides ruled one half of the planet. Then, the Mini-cons came in. No one knew how they were created but they were used as power sources. Eventually, the Mini-cons wanted to leave, something the Autobots agreed on. They protected the ship holding the Mini-cons. As they escaped, the Mini-cons went into stasis in the form of panels. Through use of a diversion, the Mini-cons made it to Earth 4 million years ago.

Transformers Armada Episodes Download


As Autobot and Decepticon ships fled Unicron, Thrust gleams at victory. The scene flashes back to Sideways planting the Star Saber near Unicron's spark. Meanwhile, Optimus and Galvatron plans an infiltration to enter Unicron. Just then, Unicron heads for Cybertron. Hot Shot and Wheeljack head out in fighters but do little damage. Thrust gloats and demands Unicron attack but is instead ambushed by the transformers fighters.

1 - 3) FIRST ENCOUNTER: Solid introductory episodes. I remember the start vividly. Wonder how the reactions to Megatron's redesign were back in the day. I like that they kept the roster small starting out to really get these characters down. AND HOLD UP, IS THAT EDDIE FROM ED EDD N EDDY playing Fred!?

50: ALLIANCE: The Autobots and Decepticons officially teamed up, and with it comes many fun interactions between the two adjusting to the partnership. Wish we had like 10 episodes of just this because the possibilities were limitless!

Armada's final 11 episodes, now bearing The Unicron Battles as an extension of the series title, took place on 5 locations Earth, Cybertron, Unicron, an astroid belt and an unknown planet.

Marvel Productions co-produced the series with Sunbow Productions. Five years after its end, a new animated series dubbed Transformers: Generation 2. All these would later inspire the live-action movie franchise. These are the best and worst episodes of the original animated series. 006ab0faaa

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