Training in Taranto

At the beginning October 12 teachers from all partner countries (2 two from each school, including a project coordinator from each country) and a further 6 teachers from the Italian school, acting as the organizer, participated in a mutual training course on the exchange of experiences on teaching Tolerance students. Representatives of individual schools conducted training for other participants on the following topics: acting as an organizer, participated in a mutual training on the exchange of experiences in teaching students Tolerance. The representatives of individual schools conducted trainings for other participants on the following topics:

1. "How to develop an attitude of tolerance in students and support integration" - training prepared by teachers from Poland, Spain and Italy.

2 "How to deal with cyberbullying and bullying at school" - training prepared by teachers from Germany, Cyprus and Portugal.

The trainings were conducted on the basis of multimedia presentations showing the experiences of schools in this field and good practices that can be used in work with young people in other institutions. Materials in the form of a bank of ideas for teachers were prepared: videos, tasks, games, links to interesting educational sites.

The result of the training is to prepare participants to work with students in the field of teaching tolerance and building an attitude of respect, making presentations of the training available to all partner schools to share knowledge with other teachers: "How to teach tolerance: methods and sources", "Dealing with cyberbulling and harrasement at schools "and the development of 3 scenarios for classes with students:" I accept, don't judge "," I can say NO to violence "," How to prevent bulling ".

The teachers exchanged experiences and jointly developed methods and methods of teaching tolerance and counteracting violence in the student community. They prepared materials that can be used by participants and all those interested in educating young people. They created guidelines and ready-made tools for work for other teachers and made them available in all partner schools. They learned about working methods used in other countries in order to develop students' attitudes of respect for other cultures, empathy, self-esteem and tolerance of differences. The participants of the training enriched their workshop and developed their own skills.