Delivery Journey

Delivery Options

Standard Delivery: Fee applicable based on location

White Glove Delivery: Free on furniture and larger items

International or Other Cities Delivery: Per quote

Please note that all of our products have an estimated dispatch window on the product page itself. 

Standard Delivery

Delivery service to front door of house/building.

The carrier should automatically schedule delivery for 2 working days after dispatch and advise you of the delivery date directly

The day before your scheduled delivery, you should receive a 2 hour time slot 

White Glove Delivery

White glove delivery is our premium delivery service for furniture items. It includes delivery to the room in which you need your item located, careful placement, assembly and installation, plus removal of any packaging.

You will receive a text message, an e-mail or a phone call from the delivery company to confirm your delivery slot in advance. Delivery slots will be made available 8-15 days after the dispatch date. 

International or Other Cities within Myanmar Delivery

For other cities within Myanmar, We will dispatch to Bus Station with fees applicable depend on the number of items (Distance from Warehouse to Bus station only) and bus fees will be collected at customer receiving end.

For International Delivery, we will first need to obtain an international shipping quote from our delivery partners. Please speak to an expert on +959 9565 16 705, or email

Please be aware that international delivery may also incur local taxes and import duties. These are the responsibility of the recipient of the goods on arrival in the country of delivery. 

Want to track your order and Need help with your delivery?

We're available 11:30am-5pm Everydays except on Mondays and Tuesdays closed.

Call us on +959 750110441, or email

If you have a query outside of our open hours, please feel free to leave a telephone message or email us.

Shopping during our sale?

We aim to get your order to you as quickly as possible but it may take longer to arrive