The making of Monki

A look into the process of the creation of my little puzzle game.

Art Log

March 31

When I have to deliver my work so far to be graded..

March 18

When I realise I should focus on one area first instead of building everything alongside eachother.

March 18

When I have to deliver my work so far to be graded..

March 13

How I found out I'm quite ambitious.. and I should change my approach to be more organised and.. realistic

March 11

How My interest in shaders made me pull through lots of frustration to create a sea that looks just about the way I wanted it to.

March 10

How I got caught up in creating a relatively high quality 3D monkey model very early in the process.. but it might not have been that bad of an idea.

February 23

How I started translating the Level abstract into virtual 3D space using Maya and a whole lot of cubes.

February 19

How I Worked out the rough shape and content of the level, as well as flesh out the idea more in the process.

February 12

My Initial thought process and why I ultimately chose the current Idea

Thanks for reading! :D