
and Intelligence

You may have many questions such as: "Is Monke Bot intelligent?" "Does it have a mind?" or is "Monke Bot concious?" Intelligence is defined as the ability to apply knowledge and use gathered information. While Monke Bot may be intelligent in solving Wumpus World problems, it cannot do anything it isn't programmed to do. Monke bot cannot acquire skills or apply knowledge to things outside of Wumpus World. Therefore, it is not intelligent nor conscious. Monke Bot simply follows the commands of its algorithms, it cannot think outside of the algorithm's parameters.

Is Conscious/Intelligent AI Possible?

While Monke Bot is not a thinking adapting mind, that kind of artificial intelligence may be built one day in the future. This however, would be an extremely difficult task. Monke bot takes the information given and acts based on the info it has. A truly intelligent AI would have to account for an almost infinite amount of possible situations.

For example, with Robots called "Chat Bots" people can talk with an Robot. These AI usually use "keywords" to find an appropriate way to respond. So for example, if you said "I'm very tired" the AI may have "tired" as a keyword and respond with something like "You should get some sleep"

Monke bot does something similar. With its algorithm, when it receives messages like "stench" or "breeze" it knows a Wumpus or pit is on an adjacent tile. For an AI to be able to respond to any situation, it would have to have a way to account for things it wasn't programmed to deal with.