Short CV
Degree in Mathematics, University of Torino (July 1992). Supervisor: Fulvia Skof.
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Pisa (September 1997). Supervisor: Donato Passaseo.
Academic positions
1998-1999: Post doctoral fellow at SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste (Italy). Mentor: Gianni Dal Maso.
1999-2004: Ricercatore (Tenure track), Department of Mathematics, Polytechnic of Torino (Italy).
2004-2008: Ricercatore (Tenure track), on leave of absence, Department of Mathematics, Polytechnic of Torino (Italy).
2004-2005: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Catholic University of Chile.
2006-2012: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Catholic University of Chile.
2012-2018: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Catholic University of Chile.
2018-present: Professor, University of Bath, Department of Mathematical Sciences, United Kingdom.
Grants (since 2011)
Epsrc Standard Grant, EP/T008458/1, Principal Investigator, recommended for funding on 11 September 2019, for 3 years, extended for 4 years.
London Mathematical Society, Scheme 2, Visit to the UK for Paolo Caldiroli (University of Torino), 2019.
London Mathematical Society, Scheme 2, Visit to the UK for Angela Pistoia (La Sapienza University, Roma), 2019.
FONDECYT Individual Grant, Principal Investigator. For the periods 2004-2007, 2008-2011, 2012-2015, 2016-2019.
Sponsor for the Postdoctoral Fondecyt grants for: P. Figueroa (2012-2014), S. Kim (2014-2016), S. Deng (2014-2015), M. Medina (2016-2018), C. Kwak (2017-2019).
Millennium Nucleus Center for Analysis of PDE, NC130017, 2015-2017, Key Investigator.
Collaboration grant Universidad Catolica-Notre Dame University, Luksic foundation, 2016-2017.
Grant Santander, collaboration with China, 2016.
Proyecto Anillo ACT 125, 2010-2012, Key Investigator.
MathAmSud 2009-2011, Associate Investigator.
ECOS-CONICYT 2009-2011, Principal Investigator.
Editorial activities
Editor in JMAA, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015-2021.
Member of the editorial board of DCDS-A (Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A), from 2018.
Member of the editorial board of Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, from 2021.
Member of the editorial board of Archiv der Mathematik, from 2022.
Member of the editorial board of the Bulletin and Journal of the London Mathematical Society, from January 2023.
Member of the editorial board of NoDEA-Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, from 2024.
Member of the Chilean Academy of Science, since November 2015.
Student mentoring
A. Averkiou, Ph.D. student, University of Bath, since 2023.
F. Yu, Chinese Scholarship Council, visiting PhD, 2023-2024.
S. Rocci, Universita' di Roma La Sapienza, visiting PhD, 2023.
R. Junemann, Ph.D. student, University of Bath, from 2021.
S. Parmeshwar, Post doctoral fellow, EPSRC grant, 2020-2023.
F. Buseghin, Ph.D. student, 2020-2024.
L. Duan, Chinese Scholarship Council, visiting PhD, 2019-2020.
Z. Butterworth, Ph.D. student, from 2019-2022.
G. Ageno, PhD student, secondary advisor, University of Bath, 2019-2023.
D. Salazar, Postdoctoral fellow, Nucleo Millennio CAPDE, Universidad Catolica, 2016.
M. Medina, Fondecyt Post Doctoral grant, Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2016-2018.
S. Kim, Fondecyt Post Doctoral grant, Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2014-2016.
S. Deng, Fondecyt Post Doctoral grant, Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2014-2015.
P. Figueroa, Fondecyt Post Doctoral grant, Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2012-2014.
D. Garrido, Ph. D. student, Universidad Catolica de Chile. Thesis defended in 2015.
S. Deng, Ph. D. student, Universidad de Chile, co-advisor M. del Pino. Thesis defended in 2013.
External referee for PhD defenses of
Giao Ky Duong, Sorbonne University, 2018.
Simon Zugmeyer Lyon 1 University, November 2019.
Hussein Cheikh Ali, Universite de Lorraine, December 2019.
Nikita Simonov, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, February 2020.
Xu Yuan, Ecole Polytechnique, July 2021.
Claudio Afeltra, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, July 2023.
Organization of conferences (since 2015)
Minisymposium on Vortex Dynamics at the Equadiff Conference in Karlstad (Sweden) in 2024.
Workshop 'Singularities and Patterns in Evolution Equations' at the University of Bath in 2023.
Part of the scientific commitee in Analysis for the British Mathematical Congress 2023.
Workshop "Singularity formation in nonlinear PDEs", Banff International Research Station, Canada, September, 2021. Online.
Workshop UK-ChinaWorkshop on emerging issues in nonlinear Applied and Geometric PDEs", Wuhan University, China, June, 2021. Online.
One World PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) Seminar (two speakers per week, average audience of 200 participants, maximum audience 450 participants), March 2020-March 2021.
Workshop on vortex dynamics, Fileds Institute, Toronto, 2-6 November 2020.
Workshop "Singularity formation in nonlinear PDEs", Banff International Research Station, Canada, 19-24 July, 2020. Cancelled.
Workshop "Partial Differential Equations and Fluid Mechanics", a conference in honor of John Toland, Bath, 4-7 May, 2020. Cancelled.
Workshop "UK-ChinaWorkshop on emerging issues in nonlinear Applied and Geometric PDEs", Wuhan University, China, 6-10 April, 2020. Suspended.
Workshop Nonlinear Geometric PDEs", Banff International Research Station, Canada, 6-10 May, 2019.
Second Italo Chilean Congress in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Roma (Italy), January 2018.
Special session entitled "Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs and Systems", at the Third Congress of the PRIMA, the Pacic Rim Mathematical Association, to take place August 14-18, 2017, in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Third Sino-Chilean Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis, Wuhan, China, December 9 - 12, 2016.
Session in the Mathematical Congress of the Americas, July 2016.
First Italo Chilean Congress in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Punta Arenas (Chile), March 2015.