
Universidad EAFIT

    Econ 102 “General Microeconomics”. (2021-Present).

    Econ "Economics of the Public Sector". (2021-Present)

Tulane University

    Econ 3981 “Economics of Education” (Spring 2017-2018)

University of Michigan 

    Econ 101 “Principles of Economics I”. T.A. (Fall 2010-2011).

Universidad del Rosario 

    “Mathematics for Economists” (Fall 2007, Spring 2008)

Universidad de los Andes 

    Econ 2106 “Theory of the Consumer and the Firm.” T.A. (Spring-Fall 2007)

    Econ 2201 “Intermediate Macroeconomics” T.A. (Fall 2004).

    Mate 1205 “Integral Calculus” (Fall 2004)

    Mate 1203 “Differential Calculus” (Spring 2004)