In this post, I want to debunk this myth. I will explain how routines and schedules can actually create freedom and space (versus limiting them). And this provides the foundation for having flexibility.

To accomplish this, we shifted the 4-8 week schedule forward 1 hour. (Our first feed was between 5 and 6am and the bedtime feed was at 7:30pm). And we shifted the 8-16 week schedule back 30 minutes. (Our first feed was at 7:30am and the bedtime feed was at 7:30pm.) Pro tip: Use the Moms on Call Scheduler App to adjust your schedule forwards or backwards with one tap!

Moms On Call Schedule Pdf Free Download


I was very skeptical about the nighttime routine and bath, but somehow it made for only one nighttime feeding. Naps are still a struggle cause little one just wants to witness everything happening (FOMO baby?), but this feels like a great first step to build on. Open to any stories about what worked for you or advice to keep improving! Also eventually want to transition to the 12hrs by 12weeks schedule but think we need to get more food in during each feeding first.

Beckham turned two months old on June 17th, so this Moms on Call schedule and summary is for his second month of life (weeks 5-8). His sleep schedule and milestones are listed below, and all of his pictures (plus a few family pictures as well!) are at the bottom.

The Moms on Call schedule does suggest giving the baby an hour and a half of awake time during the day with an hour and a half of naps, but my babies have always done much better with a solid two-hour nap at this age.

Now here is the crazy thing: shortly after we transitioned to this schedule with the earlier bedtime, Beckham started extending his nighttime sleep. He was previously waking up between 2-3 AM, and he started sleeping until 4 or 5 am!!!!

Hey! Found your blog and have really enjoyed. I too am following MOC. We moved our 6 week old to the 8-16 week schedule because his naps and feedings were off and he was sleeping from 9pm to anywhere between 3 and 4 am. So he goes down now about 7:30 but has been waking up 11:30 pm-12:30 am! We have been doing the MOC soothe and have gotten him till like 1:45 am to 2:45 am. Did you experience this? Should we try feeding at his initial wake up? Any insight would be helpful thanks so much!

When we started MOC, most homes still had VCR players and dial up internet! We were one of the first resources to include an instructional DVD in the back (which our kids helped us paste into the back of our books). No one was more excited to have the video accesses we have today than us (and our kids!). The ease of access has changed to where now you have all the info at your fingertips. But that has also been negative, as when you have too much information you have a hard time deciding which direction to go. Families look different than they did. We see many more families that may consist of two moms, two dads, single parents.

Our home base for resources and guides is our website, Momsoncall, and people can always join our growing fan base on Instagram as well. The Moms on Call podcast is another great resource for all new parenting questions.

Today, I had a call from a recruiter, asking me how my 4-month old new job was going. (New job that I did not get from them.) I called her back to say thank you, and told her I love my new job. The whole experience just reminded me how nice and professional she was and so I, very stupidly, linked up with her on LinkedIn.

Since they cold-call recruited me, and continue to expand the number of interviewers, is it either appropriate or necessary for me to request they rein in the process and/or give me a crystal clear indication of their thinking (i.e. they love me and therefore need to have me meet with several people to finalize an offer, or not)?

It turned out I did have a job, but they thought I was the receptionist!!! I was actually the registrar and I answered the phone because almost all of the phone calls to our location were registration needs.

And in some cases and in some countries (not as much in the US but still) they can be given preference in hiring because of all the past exercises of privilege that have had them significantly underemployed. Just like in the US Veterans get preference in some places, and you can actually specifically hire the disabled under some tax benefit training schemes.

I doubt the kid would be let go. When you employ minors you kind of expect to deal with this sometimes. Calling and asking for a schedule, or asking what the process is for requesting a day off was barely a blip on my radar.

I work with a lot of teen interns (who get a very small stipend). I sometimes get calls about scheduling from parents which I tolerate but I am pretty clear to parents who want to get more involved that this is a JOB and if their kid does not have the maturity to understand and handle the basic communications between themselves and their employer than they are not mature enough to work for me.

Yes. One of my jobs actually started doing orientations that included both the parents and workers, because the workers were so young and because we knew the parents had a lot of questions about work assignments and schedules, time off requests, the disciplinary process, etc. We wanted to be able to disseminate the information to the parents directly, rather than having to deal with irate parents after the fact when the kids relayed information incorrectly (whether intentionally or not).

I do mind having mom call me up and chew me out for not giving her precious off when her precious never turned in a time off request, or changing the schedule at the last minute when I did no such thing, or arguing over a write-up because her kid would never do such a thing, or demanding that I always keep her kid at work until the end of her scheduled shift because otherwise instead of going home like she should she went off and hung out with older boys. Any of those things reflected poorly on the employee and/or their family.

I am a firm believer in a "flexible daily schedule/routine". Children thrive on consistency. Providing a predictable daily pattern they can come to expect, helps them to feel safe, reduces anxieties of unexpected changes and unfamiliar expectations and helps them feel happy and secure. A baby and mama that are well rested and well fed, is the goal and what helped me raise happy babies. A daily routine also helps cultivate a calm household where everyone can help pitch in, knowing the expectations for the day at particular times. It can provide structure and give your family more freedom, as you know when you can schedule different things throughout the day, which I found particularly helpful when I had my second baby, with a toddler eager to get to the park and be on the go.

Remember, always follow your baby's cues and feed/let them sleep as needed, even if off schedule if that's what baby needs (if they are going through a growth spurt, sick, etc). Never deny them sleep or food, if that is what they need! This is just a flexible routine. I also don't recommend waking a sleeping baby, just to stay on schedule. This will mean they are not fully rested and not be able to feed efficiently, resulting in not a quality wake time, meaning they will not have a quality sleep time, and the cycle continues... defeating the entire purpose of the schedule.

Ultimately, do what feels right for you and your baby. The below is just what worked for me and my family, so I hope by sharing what we do, it can help you and your family too! You can adjust the times accordingly if you like to wake up earlier or later, just move the whole schedule up or down as needed.

I used a 5 feed/day, every 3-3.5 hours for my daughter and a 4 feed, every 4 hour schedule for my son, who needed more per feed, less often, to get him to finish more milk per feeding. Below are their schedules I followed.

Are you looking for a way to help your child sleep through the night or eat better, you have come to the right place. This is a problem all new moms face. Who am I kidding? Not only first time moms experience challenges with their babies. I remember when having my second child, I still faced so many challenges. But, then I learned about Moms On Call Schedule and everything became easier.

In this post, I will include the Moms On Call Schedule for babies zero to eleven months old. These schedules help get your child on a strict day and night time schedule which would positively support his/her development and health. If you think you need help and are interested in easing life for you and your child, just keep reading to know more!

Moms on call method is a popular method that uses strict and detailed routines and rules to help your baby or child sleep throughout the night. Some don't agree with it, but it is effective and many people find it suitable for them and their baby's life. It is the ultimate guide for your child and two mommies wrote it. They are actually pediatric nurses that have answered millions of questions asked by parents. Both of them came up with the idea that all babies can be trained to follow a daytime routine and a nighttime routine; they just need someone to teach them how.

The instructions for this routine is the Moms On Call Method which contain many moms on call schedule. There is a specific routine for each age group. Not just that they teach you when to swaddle, how to swaddle, how much to feed the baby and what to do with sleep regressions. They also recommend so many products that are life savers when it comes to feeding babies, putting them to sleep or much more.

Let me tell you, it is quite hard to follow this method. There are many rules that are strict. It only allows a little flexibility. Many moms only buy the books for the sleeping methods. Of course, moms want to sleep through the night. But, the books also include guidelines about many other things concerning the baby.

Another thing you should know is that they have an app (Moms On Call App). The app includes many baby and toddler schedules that you can look at. It can give you an idea of what routine you want your baby to follow. 2351a5e196

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