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My issue has been resolved.

In order to access the GUI properties from the shared script, it is necessary to pass the calling event to the shared script. The calling event (in my case a button press) is:

Are you trying to run this script as a gateway script every hour, or are you wanting to run a script on the gateway every hour? For the latter, I would create an expression tag that triggers at the respective times, and put the script as a tag change event script.

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I am new to most of this and so the minor aspects of implementation tend to go over my head. Like the OP, I want to utilize the WatchService to monitor a directory for new .csv files that are automatically generated by equipment. I have written project scripts that will parse and transfer the .csv to SQL but I want the Watcher to listen for new files and trigger that process. My questions are:

If I put this code in a Gateway Startup Event Script, should I set the script to run on a dedicated thread? If so should I still call the Watcher loop asynchronously? In general, would this be a proper place to put this kind of script?

If this script resides on the Gateway, is the Global scope shown here accessible from Clients? I had read that Memory Tags were the preferred method for scoping variables globally. (Globally scoped objects)

Kind of a catch-all question: I need to allow users to register selected directories to the WatchService. After this code runs once in the Gateway, can Client scripts instantiate new FileWatcher variables, and pass directory paths to the constructor?

For reference, here is the script I ran from a valueChanged event on a tag. It writes the results to a tag called [default]New File. Place this script on a boolean tag, and change the folder path in line 16.

Currently, the tag does have a value if 2. So, in theory, a value of 2 should be displayed.. but a 0 is being displayed. I can read the tag in correctly in the gateway script, but every time I use the tag in a conditional statement, it seems as if the value isn't being read..

Gateway Event Scripts are scripts that run directly on the Gateway. They are useful because they always run, regardless if any sessions or clients are open. They also provide a guaranteed way to make sure only a single execution of a particular script occurs at a time, as opposed to placing a script in a window, as there could be multiple instances of the window open at a given point of time.

System functions are available for both Client Event Scripts and Gateway Event Scripts, but some system functions are specific to either one or the other. When you're writing event scripts, it's important to remember the scope of where you're writing the script: Client or Gateway. You can check Scripting Functions in the Appendix to see list of all system functions, their descriptions, and what scope they run in.

The Startup Script event runs at the startup of the Gateway. Additionally, if the project is restarted in someway, such as by making a change to a Gateway Event Script and saving, then the Startup Script will be called. This means that while editing scripts frequently in the Designer, the startup and shutdown events may happen frequently.

The Shutdown Script event runs at the shutdown of the project, which means it can be used as a way to trigger a script when the Gateway has to be restarted. It allows you to run a piece of code as the shutdown is occurring. After the script completes, the shutdown will finish.

Note that the Shutdown Script event only gets called if the Gateway is requested to shut down: if the computer power is lost abruptly (power outage, hard restart, etc.) this shutdown script will not run.

Similar to how a Startup Script behaves, "Shutdown" in the context of this event means "project shutdown", so shutting down the Gateway would trigger this event, as well as disabling the project containing a script on this event. Additionally, making a change to a Gateway Event Script in the Designer, and then saving the project will cause the project to restart, which means this event can get called by simply making changes in the Designer and saving.

The Timer Scripts execute periodically on a timer at a fixed delay or rate. This allows you to set up a sort of heartbeat that can run on the Gateway. This is the ideal event to use if you need the Gateway to periodically perform some scripting task.

The Tag Change Script event allows you to specify any number of Tags, and trigger a script when one of them change. Since these execute based on a Tag changing value, Tag Change Scripts are ideal when you need a script to run based on some some signal from a PLC.

Having the Tag Change Scripts run in the Gateway Scope means that the scripts are active as long as the Gateway is running. Thus, you do not need a client or session to be open for a Gateway Tag Change Script to execute. When executing, each Tag Change Script runs in a separate thread. This prevents long running scripts from blocking the execution of other Tag Change Scripts.

Due to their nature, Client Tags may not trigger Gateway Tag Change Scripts. However, there are other similar events, such as a Client Event Script, that enable you to trigger a script based on a Client Tag changing value.

Wildcards can be used at the end of configured tag paths. Using a wildcard will execute the script for all tags within the same folder. In the below example, the script "New Script" will run when the value of any tag in the "Test" folder changes.

 #notePanel{ background-color: #f6f9ff; border-color: #aeb4ff; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:4px; margin: 10px 0px; border-radius: 5px; } Note: Wildcards can only be used at the folder level and cannot be used at the tag level. For example, configuring a tag path like [provider]folder/* will execute a script on all tags within the folder, but [provider]folder/ramp* will not.

A variable that is a flag (0 or 1) which indicates whether or not the event is due to the initial subscription or not. This is useful as you can filter out the event that is the inital subscription, preventing a script from running when the values haven't actually changed.

Message Handlers allow you to write a script that will run in the scope they are located in, but they can be invoked by making a call from other projects or even other Gateways. They can be called using three different scripting functions: system.util.sendMessage, system.util.sendRequest, and system.util.sendRequestAsync.

Inside the message handler is your script. The script will have a single object available to it, the payload. The payload is a dictionary containing the objects that were passed into it. In essence, the payload is the mechanism that allows you to pass the message handler values.

Once you have your message handlers created, you can then call them from a script using one of three scripting functions: system.util.sendMessage, system.util.sendRequest, and system.util.sendRequestAsync. These functions allow you to call a message handler in any project, even if the project that the message handler resides on is different from the one you are calling it from. The message handler will then execute in the scope in which it was created, and will use any parameters that you pass in through the payload.

Edit: If this matters, I am accessing the menus (Project)(Gateway Events)(Timer) from within the (Gages) project. But still, my understanding was that these scripts (Gateway Scripts) ran on the Gateway with a different scope. Regardless I seem to have gotten around my issue and appreciate you going over it with me. Thank you!

Out of curiosity, is there a defined reason as to why this shouldn't be allowed? Lets say we have a gateway with several different projects that essentially act as script libraries, that can all be individually managed and updated through git. As well as a project that implements some but not all of those scripts, since you can only have one inherited project than you must put this all in one project, making it harder to version control the separate individual sup-libraries inside of it.

It's an explosion of resolution complexity, with associated maintenance and quality assurance burden.

It's hard, just on its own merits.

You're only asking for it in the context of scripting resources, but the obvious followup would be "why can't I do it for X resource type"? Also, inserting "special" behavior for special resource types is a large part of why 7.9's resource system was so fraught with weird edge case behaviors - right now, we're consistent throughout, which is a huge boon overall.

We are having an issue that might be tangentially related. Occassionally when we open a specific project (called the Gantry project) in the Designer, the timer scripts will suddenly stop executing. To fix this, all we have to do is Save or Update the project from the designer.

My working theory at the moment is that the Designer must be somehow "checking out" the script when it first opens, and if the timing is just perfect, it might somehow cause the Gateway to not see the scripts or packages until the Designer has merged its changes with the Gateway.

We have other projects which also have Timer events, and we have only seen this issue 1 time with any of the other projects, but the Gantry project is executing the Timer script every 1 second, which is why I think we see it more often with this project.

I think this idea would work in a backward compatible way. Ignition 7.6 projects that are upgraded to Ignition 7.7 would have their gateway scripts opted out of shared modules by default and would not need to be modified to expect restarts.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.script.GatewayDBUtilities.runNamedQuery(GatewayDBUtilities.java:354) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor95.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) java.lang.NullPointerException: java.lang.NullPointerException 2351a5e196

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