Advanced Keloid Treatment Options in Dubai

Keloids can be bothersome and affect one's confidence and quality of life. If you're in Dubai and seeking advanced treatment options for keloid removal , you're in luck. Dubai offers a range of cutting-edge treatments to help you manage and diminish keloid scars effectively.

Understanding Keloids

Before delving into advanced treatment options, let's first understand what keloids are. Keloids are raised overgrowths of scar tissue that form at the site of a wound or injury. Unlike normal scars, keloids extend beyond the original injury area and can be itchy, painful, and aesthetically displeasing.

Causes of Keloids

Several factors contribute to the development of keloids, including:

Advanced Keloid Treatment Options

Dubai boasts state-of-the-art medical facilities and skilled dermatologists offering advanced keloid treatment options tailored to individual needs. Here are some of the advanced treatments available in Dubai:

1. Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a popular option for treating keloids in Dubai. It involves the use of focused light beams to target and break down excess scar tissue. Laser therapy helps reduce the size and appearance of keloids while promoting collagen remodeling for smoother skin texture.

2. Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy utilizes extreme cold to freeze and destroy keloid tissue. This minimally invasive procedure is performed under local anesthesia and can effectively reduce the size and thickness of keloids. Cryotherapy is often combined with other treatments for optimal results.

3. Intralesional Steroid Injections

Intralesional steroid injections involve the direct injection of corticosteroids into the keloid tissue. Steroids help reduce inflammation and inhibit the production of collagen, leading to flattening and softening of keloids. Multiple sessions may be required for significant improvement.

4. Surgical Excision

Surgical excision involves the surgical removal of keloid tissue followed by meticulous wound closure techniques to minimize the risk of recurrence. This option is usually reserved for large or persistent keloids and may be combined with other treatments for better outcomes.

5. Silicone Gel Sheets

Silicone gel sheets are an effective adjunctive treatment for keloids. These sheets create a barrier that helps hydrate the skin, regulate collagen production, and flatten keloid scars over time. They are comfortable to wear and can be easily incorporated into daily skincare routines.

Choosing the Right Treatment

When considering advanced keloid treatment options in Dubai, it's essential to consult with a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. They will assess your condition, medical history, and treatment goals to recommend the most suitable approach for you.

Factors to Consider:


Living with keloids can be challenging, but with advanced treatment options available in Dubai, you can effectively manage and reduce their appearance. Whether you opt for laser therapy, cryotherapy, steroid injections, surgical excision, or silicone gel sheets, consulting with a skilled dermatologist is the first step towards achieving smoother, scar-free skin. Don't let keloids hold you back – explore the advanced treatment options in Dubai and regain your confidence today!

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