Expert Skin Care: Dubai’s Most Renowned Dermatologists

In a bustling city like Dubai, where the desert sun can be harsh on the skin, seeking expert skin care is paramount. Fortunately, Dubai is home to some of the most renowned Best skin specialists in dubai or in the world. From tackling acne to reversing signs of aging, these experts have garnered a reputation for their exceptional skills and innovative treatments.

Understanding Dermatology in Dubai

The Impact of Climate on Skin Health

Cultural Influence on Skin Care Practices

Top Dermatologists in Dubai

Dr. Dina Elyamani

Dr. Dina Elyamani is one of the leading Aesthetic General Physicians in Dubai with a vast range of experience in the field of Dermatology. She is well known for her result-caring name in all surgical and non-surgical derma treatments with a variety of new techniques and tools. She has great experience in providing 100% results to make her clients satisfied and bring real happiness to their faces.

Dr Abdul Majeed Makkiya

Dr. Abdul Majeed Makkiya is Dynamic Clinic’s plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgeon for adults and teens with a passion for putting anxious patients at ease and delivering high-quality care to them. However, during his career in modern plastic surgery practice, he has also come across thousands of successful yet advanced and complex medical cases. And that has greatly contributed to his fame. He believes that self-love is the most important thing to live a happier life and that is unquestionably true.

Dr. Sannia Awais

Dr. Sannia Awais has rich experience in the fields of aesthetic medicine, hair restoration, and hair transplant. The Dynamic Aesthetic Clinic is holding a senior aesthetic practitioner and she is excellently performing her duties above and beyond what is required. To date, she has performed hundreds of Hair Transplants, Hair Restoration, and Skin care procedures and also received many positive reviews from her patients. She believes when a person looks good on the outside, he/she feels great on the inside too. Our devoted professional found her true calling in the cosmetic field by utilizing and enhancing her skills as a skin expert.

Cutting-Edge Treatments and Technologies

Laser Therapy: A Breakthrough in Skin Rejuvenation

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: Harnessing the Power of Growth Factors

Microneedling: Stimulating Collagen Production for Youthful Skin

Tailored Skincare Regimens for Every Skin Type

Oily Skin: Managing Excess Sebum Production

Dry Skin: Restoring Hydration and Moisture Barrier

Combination Skin: Balancing Multiple Skin Concerns

The Importance of Regular Skin Check-Ups

Detecting Skin Cancer Early: A Life-Saving Practice

Monitoring Skin Conditions for Timely Intervention

Holistic Approaches to Skin Health

Diet and Nutrition: Fueling Healthy Skin from Within

Stress Management: Minimizing the Impact of Cortisol on Skin

Sun Protection: Shielding Skin from Harmful UV Rays


Dubai’s most renowned dermatologists offer a wealth of expertise and cutting-edge treatments to address a myriad of skin concerns. From pioneering innovations to personalized skincare regimens, these experts are dedicated to helping individuals achieve healthy, glowing skin in the desert city