Research interests

Evolution and ecology of disease

How do infectious diseases and cancers grow and evolve in complex host environments? How does the immune system shape disease evolution and how do diseases shape the immune system?

Related work:

Structural evolution of the genome

How does gene order evolve? What is the role of inversions, translocations, and other genomic structural variants in evolution?

Related work:

Information, coding, and decisions in evolution and ecology

How can biological agents use information about an uncertain environment to make decisions? What are the effects of these decisions on the population as a whole?

Related work:

Biophysics of signal transduction

In graduate school, I worked on a pair of plant receptors, called BRI1 and BAK1. These two membrane proteins together are responsible for the response of plant cells to the growth hormone brassinolide. I used molecular dynamics simulations to understand how BRI1 and BAK1 function on length scales of angstroms to nanometers and timescales of microseconds.

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