Does A Gaming PC Really Need An SSD?

Gone are the days when video games used to be bite-sized. Today’s video games are even more interesting and detail centric than movies. They have their own background, significant details, graphical properties, and amazing virtual worlds spread across kilometers. 

For those who don’t know, GTA 5 would take 100GB of your total space if you wish to play it on your gaming PC. In other words, You don’t just need a regular hard disc but a fast hard disc like Adata XPG Gammix S50 Lite 1TB SSD to play the best of modern-age games.

I guess that makes clear why a gaming PC needs an SSD. Now, let’s look at some of the best benefits of using an SSD for a gaming computer. 

Benefits of Using An SSD for a Gaming Computer?

With an Adata XPG Gammix S50 Lite 1TB SSD in your gaming PC, you can play any game with smoothness. You can get such important gaming PC components from ModX Computers at the right prices. Some notable benefits of an SSD for a Gaming Computer are as follows: 

SSDs are smaller in size than regular HDDs. This allows you to install more important gaming components in a gaming CPU cabinet easily. It also leaves more space in the CPU cabinet.

SSDs are much faster than any regular HDD. They load data faster and also boot faster.

SSDs are completely silent. They also don’t spin and thus do not buzz. They are not made up of mechanical parts that don’t spin and thus are very quiet.

The constant spin, vibrate, and the movement of HDD causes heat in the cabinet of the CPU. This heat damages other parts of the PC. That is never the case with SSDs. In other words, SSDs are a safer option than HDDs. 

SSDs are more power-efficient than HDDs and lower the cost of electricity bills. 


If you have a Western Digital Blue 1TB SSD in your PC, you don’t need to worry about disc space, whether a game will run or not, and lack of storage. Get the best of PC gaming components only at ModX Computers. Visit the official website for more information.