4 Ways Video Games Can Make You Smart

Having a PC Intel Core i5 12600k processor can make you feel powerful because of the many things that you can do with it. Video games are probably the best tools to showcase what you can do with all that power. No doubt video games are fun. But do you know, they can also make you smart?

In this blog, we will look at the many ways video games can make you smart.

Video Games Make You Smart

Compare to any other ordinary processor, an Intel Core i7 12700f desktop processor is much more powerful and smarter. Ways in which video games can make you smarter are as follows:

  • Increase Intelligence

A study has already proved that playing video games can increase grey matter in your brain, which increases memory and thinking capacity. Many other studies have also proved that gamers have higher IQs than normal people.

  • Enhance Attention

Gamers not only put their 100% attention on their game but also on other things in their surroundings. That’s not a superpower but one of the greatest advantages of too much gaming. Playing video games for 1 hour daily can increase your attention drastically.

  • Improve Learning

Gaming teaches us many things about real-world scenarios and enhances our imagination skills. Ask people, and they will tell you about things and many words which they have learned not at school. Think how you will feel when your teachers will describe to you about world war after you have completed Battlefield 1942.

  • Increase Problem-Solving Skills

As said, gaming includes many real-life scenarios and can teach about how to do them in real life. Things like loading guns, defence from explosives, driving in the right lane, and not touching harmful things are some very best examples.


If you have an intel core i7 12700f desktop processor in your gaming PC, you can enjoy the true nature of gaming. At Modx Computers, we provide quality gaming components at the best price possible so that nothing comes between you and your gameplay.