The Extremes of Human Existence Earrings

This is a pair of earrings, the right bearing the words בִּשְׁבִילִי נִבְרָא הָעוֹלָם (For my sake the world was created) (Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5) and the left bearing the words "אָנֹכִ֖י עָפָ֥ר וָאֵֽפֶר" (I am but dust and ashes) (Genesis 18:27).

These are inspired by this teaching from the 18th Century Polish Hasid Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa, "Everyone must have two pockets, with a note in each pocket, so that he or she can reach into the one or the other, depending on the need. When feeling lowly and depressed, discouraged or disconsolate, one should reach into the right pocket, and, there, find the words: "For my sake was the world created." But when feeling high and mighty one should reach into the left pocket, and find the words: "I am but dust and ashes."" (Translation by Martin Buber)

They are on a white, parchment like background with gold or silver lace detailing. They hang on sterling silver earring wires. Customization is available. Get your own pair here!