Schedule and lectures

The lectures for the 14th edition of 2018 will be

  • Weak Gravity Conjecture by Miguel Montero (TBC)


  • 2+1 dualities by Carl Turner

In this course, we will look at recent progress in understanding the dynamics of non-supersymmetric quantum field theories in 2+1 dimensions. After orienting ourselves with several simpler examples of dualities in 2 and 3 dimensions, we will explore the rich network of proposed dualities governing the low-energy behaviour of a wide class of interesting, strongly-interacting QFTs. Along the way, we will discuss and gather evidence from anomaly matching, mirror symmetry, and even (time-permitting!) the lattice and large N physics. We will also look at applications to real-life condensed matter systems, and ponder a new outlook on the space of QFTs.

  • QFT in curved spacetime by Guilherme Pimentel

I will review the basic features of quantum field theory in curved space, with a focus on spontaneous particle production by the curved background. After that, I survey the physics of some famous examples of backgrounds with particle production - black holes and electric fields;

The bulk of the lectures will focus on the calculation of spontaneous particle production from the early universe, in a hypothetical - but very plausible - period of inflation, and the predictions for late time evolution of these particles, which are currently being tested in experiments. I will show what has been measured, what has been constrained, and plan to get to the forefront of research in this area, describing some work in progress.

Finally, I will explain how certain aspects of particle production are universal, in particular, the crossover between stable and unstable background configurations.

  • Fuzzballs by Bert Verknocke and Tom Lemmens