XIV Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics

The thirteenth edition of the Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics took place from September 10th to September 16th 2017. Thanks to all the participants and the lecturers, who made it a special adventure in the Belgian Ardennes.

Some of the lecture notes are available in the section Lectures of this website. The proceedings of last years school can be found here or see 'previous editions' section on this website.

The Modave 2018 organizing committee is working on the 14th edition, which will take place from September 16th to 22nd, 2018.

Practical Information

Modave is a charming village in the heart of Belgian's nature, the Ardennes, near Huy. The school will take place at the center Les cent fontaines. This sanctum offers one to completely indulge oneself in the world of physics, mathematics and other Belgian delicacies.

The arrival day is Sunday 16th of September 2018. Upon arrival a welcome drink will provided followed by the first dinner of the week, which will be prepared by a local chef with expertise in the Belgian cuisine.

A shuttle service to and from the trainstation of Huy will be arranged for all participants. The final departure will have to take place on Saturday morning September the 22nd. Information about the trains can be found on website of the Belgian National Railroad Company.

For further information, do not hesitate to write to modaveschool@gmail.com .

Organizing committee

Saskia Demulder (VUB), Tom Lemmens (KUL), Sibylle Driezen (VUB), Daniel Naegels (ULB), David De Filippi (UMONS), Frederik Goelen (KUL), Gerben Venken (KUL), Guillaume Valette (ULB), Jesse van Muiden (KUL), Kévin Nguyen (VUB), Kwinten Fransen (KUL), Lucas Traina (UMONS), Marine De Clerck (VUB), Pieter Bomans (KUL), Romain Ruzziconi (ULB), Vincent Min (KUL) and Vincent Luyten (VUB).

Sponsors of the Modave Summer School