My Sweet Stalker MOD APK v2.0.17


My Sweet Stalker basic information

My Sweet Stalker is a unique story game with adorable anime characters. Cute images come and you will quickly catch up with its gripping storyline. The images and sound are consistent.

Request game

You especially need energy to help the young girls complete the quests. If you don't finish so things are going too far you will fail. Regardless of whether you interfere with her or not, one way or another, she will find a way to discover you. Do you have to reveal new and up close and personal things with the characters? You can meet each other after a particularly great meeting and test them out.

Interaction is going on

My Sweet Stalker's constant interaction is basically amazing but full of fun. You will notice an exchange of characters in the game. From there, you can see the problem and handle the content. After every important discussion, a few options seem to go through. The content development from that point on, will evolve your way. You can then meet this game as often as possible to see different events. It is also the explanation that players can play normally without getting exhausted.



Your pure lovable companion who will overcome everything with you. Mei is the only one who thinks about your mysterious counseling network and has promised to keep quiet about it. Maybe so, things clear up when Mei becomes the target of a fierce passion for the love of your followers. Will you protect Mei from danger, or does Mei have more than she allows?


The calm, really unique membership in your PC club. Interestingly, she gets involved when you give guidance to a young woman on a comparable issue. Since joining, Shiki has been particularly sweet to you and you appreciate being with her. After she becomes the following target of your stalker, she resolves to run away with you. Will you do important things to keep her safe or should you worry about your own safety so everything is equal?


A charming investigator with a sharper brain and a sharper tongue, and so is Shiki's sister. You hire her after things go bad for your stalker. In the first place, it was difficult to distinguish who stalker you were from Tatsumi's stubborn methodology. In any case, before that you understand that her way really works. What would you do important to work with her and break the case?