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Cloudflare's DNS service and security enhancement, is now available to mobile users on both iOS and Android, thanks to a newly launched app.

This App is completely free for everyone and accordingly it will help you access blocked websites, as well as speed up loading times much faster.

Service was initially launched on April 1, 2018. Designed as a replacement for more traditional DNS resolvers, Cloudflare helps the traffic of anonymous service users by delete all logs within 24 hours and commit never to sell users' information. mod apk - TechToDown.com

And with more than 1,000 servers worldwide, Cloudflare has claimed its service makes it the fastest DNS resolver available, especially when accessing websites on the Cloudflare platform. And it has up to 50% lower latency compared to Google DNS.

What is App DNS by Cloudflare is a DNS resolver. When properly configured on your device, all of your connection requests are routed through the device. And it will speed up insanely fast (up to 28% faster) and it will clear all DNS login after 24 hours. The system does not save your IP address queries.

By passing all your queries to instead of the ISP's DNS service, you allow querying your IP address with Cloudflare and APNIC. mod apk - TechToDown.com

Cloudflare DNS also minimizes the name queries sent to DNS servers - rather than to domain names. In addition, your request to connect to the DNS servers will be more standard, minimizing the monitoring or gathering of information.

More importantly, provides an alternative to support DNS-over-HTTPS from Google, the largest provider of such support, from DNS operating system and Google's Android operating system.

With Cloudflare supporting its own DNS-over-HTTPS, it is hoped that many providers will take a step in creating DNS protocols similar to How anonymous?

By changing your DNS server to, you are moving your traffic to, not your ISP. Cloudflare says they won't log your IP address with and the company seems committed to it.

Even though it doesn't record your IP address, the dress code will still query the anonymous DNS. According to its Privacy Commitment, Cloudflare says that the only information they will collect is the anonymous DNS query data sent to Cloudflare Resolver. mod apk - TechToDown.com

Some of that information is permanently logged, including the number of queries, unique users, and an aggregated list of all requested domains.

Although the company will not provide this information to third-party advertisers, or Cloudflare's partner, APNIC, will use the information for nonprofit research, including the ability to better understand DNS and DDoS attacks reduction.

One caveat when using is that while your ISP cannot see your DNS traffic when you visit websites that use HTTPS, it can still view content on any unencrypted website. that is, the web pages are HTTP, not HTTPS. There is also the obvious problem that you have to trust Cloudflare and APNIC is not recording your information.

What is WARP?

WARP is a VPN that doesn't hide your original IP. But it will encrypt your traffic and use Cloudflare's DNS service.

And for now it's included in application and should not be treated as a separate thing. Application protects your DNS queries from being tracked over local and insecure networks, and when WARP is activated from within the application, it adds a layer of VPN encryption that adds VPN security. protection. mod apk - TechToDown.com with WARP is free to use, but Cloudflare also offers a premium package called WARP +. And WARP + offers the same features as the free version with a handy additional request over the internet routed through Cloudflare's network. Use a feature called Argo Smart Routing, WARP +.

Usage on the phone

Once you've downloaded it to your phone, open it up.

The first time you open the app, you will have to see the start screen and the Start Start button, which you click on.

Then press the button "Enable" to enable the feature in the lower right corner of the screen.

The last step is required to enable the VPN functionality for the app Once you do that, you can switch all DNS and VPN resolutions already.