Mobile Collaboration

This site is designed for the University of British Columbia Master of Educational Technology Program course ETEC 523 Mobile and Open Learning Assignment #2: A Movable Feast on Mobile Collaboration.

Welcome to Week 5!

Hosts:  Robyn Oliver & Vithu Selvakumar

Please explore our site by moving between the pages. There are so many mobile collaboration applications available that it would be overwhelming to assess and highlight them all this week.  Instead, we have created a rubric for rating collaborative apps and are asking YOU to choose an app to assess and discuss this week.  

Task #1 - Read about Asynchronous and Synchronous Mobile Collaboration

Task #2 - Use the provided rubric to assess an app of your choice - please choose one that another student has not already done - this may be more difficult if you are late to the learning this week!

Task #3 - Post about your chosen mobile app in the appropriate discussion forum (async. or sync.)

Task #4 - Read through some of your peer's posts and comment as you see fit.