Weekly Updates Page

Week 0

All peripherals have been ordered with the slowest delivery time of two weeks. We began testing different display peripherals, building driver code, and print functions for both an 8x8 Dot Matrix and, a 4-digit 7-seg display. Created a moving waveform on the Dot Matrix, which will output the ECG waveform.

Week 1

Peripherals have arrived, and driver code is being written. Communication with the ECG sensor, air temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pressure sensor, and light intensity sensor has been initialized. The values read from the peripherals still needs to be converted into read data. The termite interface has been setup to work through Bluetooth. For testing purposes we are using Termite to get readings from the peripherals.

Week 2

All of our desired peripherals are now printing correct data! Work has begun on outputting said data on a miriad of displays. Also a mode switch, which will allow different data to be printed on the display and also stop some of the peripherals from running when not needed is in the works. The ECG waveform is already being correctly printed on the dot matrix. We just have to get the rest of the data to be captured and printed correctly depending on the mode, Build an enclosure, build algorithms based on the data to advise the user about their health/the environment.

Week 3

We are finished. We have the enclosure all built, the data all reading out properly, the algorithms to detect warnings based on the data, etc. It's all done and the video demo is posted on the main page. Enjoy!