Mobile Health Monitor & Environmental Sensor

A quick, simple, and mobile health monitoring system built to allow everyone to track their biometrics and surrounding environmental data. in real time.

 Project By:

Julian Frank  &  Ben Cruttenden

Demo Video

Updated EKG Waveform Demo


The goal of our project is to build a mobile health monitoring system that gathers biometric data from a user's body alongside current weather data from the environment in order to inform the user if their body is in a healthy state, and to advise them on safe activities based on the current conditions and their biometric data. We will monitor and analyze user health by tracking three biometric factors: heart rate, body temperature, and electrocardiogram activity. Additionally, we will monitor six environmental factors: temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, air quality, ambient light intensity, and UV index. Using these values, a computational algorithm will compare the measured biometric values to average/healthy ranges to determine the immediate normalcy or abnormality of a user's state of health. Additionally, the algorithm will analyze the measured environmental conditions in order to advise the user on what activities are suitable given their health data and the current conditions, and to advise against activities that may bring harm to the user. The system will be built using multiple I2C peripherals capable of gathering the data, and will be interfaced through Termite using UART. Additionally, the system will display data on 11 I2C displays with the help of an I2C multiplexer, and will display additional data on a 12th display interfaced with a proprietary serial communication communication protocol. An enclosure will be built around the peripherals to improve the portability, usability and accuracy of the monitoring system. Then the detailed results will be output to the user's laptop through Termite, allowing for the effective, quick and easy process of taking user inputs and providing the desired advisory information. Additionally, the user will be able to select between a number of modes that will toggle the device's functionality and the data streams displayed on each of the aforementioned displays.

Block Diagram