

A symposium is a session where multiple thematically relevant talks are grouped together to foster discussions from a broader perspective. A symposium will be 90 minutes long and consist of 4 talks of 12 minutes each with 3 minutes for discussion followed by a longer 15-minute discussion session.

When & Where

All symposia will take place in person at MOBI 2024, June 2nd-5th.


If you would like to submit a symposium as the chair, please submit  

1) a tentative title and first author for all four associated talks and 

2) a brief description of the overall topic and each individual not to exceed 250 words. 

as an email to

The abstract must be written in English. Please do not use graphics or linking. In addition, please make sure that each symposium includes at least one contribution from a young scientist and that several research institutions are represented. We additionally encourage, if possible, to ensure gender balance. The chairing of a symposium can be done alone or in pairs - with the condition that at least one chair already holds a PhD.

After being notified that your symposium was accepted, all four talks within the symposium must be submitted as Talks (See Talks & Posters tab)

If your symposium is rejected, you may resubmit the individual sessions as talks or posters.

Submission Timeline