Recent Chapter Financial Literacy Events

Money Smart Week® is held every April.   This annual event was created by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 2002 as a public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances. Programming is offered to all demographics and income levels and covers all facets of personal finance.  

Our MOAACC chapter collaborated with our partners from BetterInvesting to produce online webinars for our membership that complements our chapter’s overall financial literacy program.  These presentations were part of the ongoing Financial Literacy program our Chapter has established to help members and their families learn how to prepare for their future financial independence. 

On the right is a list of the recent webinars we’ve produced for our members.  Please feel to share them with others to help them become financially literate and able to spread the word even more about our chapter’s programs in this critical area.

"Why Start Investing -- NOW!!" - Bob Houle

"Investing for Our Future" - Bob Houle

"Make Your Child (Grandchild) an Investing Genius" - Marla Britton 

April 2021 Program

"Financial Literacy" - Robin Ware & Dan Harter

Building Wealth - Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Recording of the 6 April 2021 webinar

April 2022 Program

"Financial Literacy" - Robin Ware & Dan Harter (same title, different presentation!!)

Recording of the 5 April 2022 webinar

April 2023 Program

"Financial Literacy" - Robin Ware & Dan Harter (same title, different presentation!!)

Recording of the 4 April 2023 webinar

September 2023 Program

As part of our partnership with the North Florida Chapter of BetterInvesting we have access to some of their training webinars.  This webinar, titled "Creating an Income Stream in Retirement" is particularly relevant for our retired MOAACC membership.  It is part of the chapter's annual membership meeting. This education piece starts at 16:59.

These special programs were presented as online webinars and open to the general public.  Feel free to share the information on both these webinars with your family,  friends and associates, particularly those who are just starting out in their adult life’s journey.