MOAA Cape Canaveral Chapter’s

Financial Literacy Program


The trend over the last several decades in the personal financial world is clear: our society is shifting away from a future retirement funded primarily from a military and/or civilian company retirement plan (called “defined benefit”) to one where our quality of life in retirement will be funded primarily from personal savings and investments (called “defined contribution”) made during the entirety of our working years. This societal shift places a very heavy emphasis on personal responsibility for planning for our retirement.

Our MOAACC Financial Literacy Program

To assist our membership in their journey to financial independence we’ve established a Financial Literacy Program. This Financial Literacy program complements two other programs sponsored by our chapter to assist our membership. Unlike Financial Literacy, which is a life-long process, the other two are provided to help our membership during stressful transitions:

Our Financial Literacy program has many facets. We’ve collected a select reference library of core materials that have proven helpful in planning for our own financial future and providing guidance to our children and grandchildren so that they may nurture and enjoy their future inheritance from us.

In addition, we will be curating, and in some cases actually presenting, a series of webinars from various fields related to Financial Literacy to help our membership travel on their journey to financial independence and security. See the “Upcoming Chapter Events” section on our MOAACC website for information on near term events of interest to you and your family.

Remember, no matter our personal level of financial success, we have lessons to pass along to our progeny -- what we did or what we wish we had done. Either way, our family will benefit from our “lessons learned.” We have a responsibility to help them succeed.

Friends won’t let friends retire broke, we help them become better investors