
What is Confirmation?

"...the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of Baptismal grace" (CCC 1285)

Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation that makes you a full member of the Catholic Church. The Bishop will lay hands over you, anoint you with Holy Oil, and pray that the Holy Spirit will fully come into your life.

What can the Holy Spirit do for you?

The Holy Spirit (the third person of the Trinity) is God's Spirit present in your life. 

He will, if you ask him to:

For more information you can view this short video on why we are confirmed.

Former Bishop of Nottingham, Malcolm McMahon (now Archbishop of Liverpool) and Fr Kevin Clark during a Confirmation Mass at St Peter's Church, Melton Mowbray.

Preparation for Confirmation

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that every baptised person not yet confirmed can and should receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.  

Within England and Wales, the Sacrament is normally conferred upon young people in their early teens

Adults preparing for Full Reception into Communion With the Catholic Church by taking the Rite of Christian Initiation in Adults (RCIA) are Baptised (if not already) and Confirmed during the celebration of their reception. 

Candidates for Confirmation usually attend 12 x 1 hour sessions every few weeks at the Convent House in Melton. The sessions are led by people known as Catechists - these are trained lay people, Franciscan Sisters or the Parish Priest - who will educate and prepare you for Confirmation. 

The  sessions are:

There is also an organisation called Leicestershire Active Catholic Youth (LACY) who hold fun events and away days for pre and post Confirmation Catholics. You should look out for their notices in the Parish Newsletter or by searching for their group on Facebook.

Bishop Patrick, Fr Dominic (l), Fr Martin (r) and Catechists with the Confirmation Group at St Francis' Convent Chapel, Melton Mowbray on 26th October 2018.

How to enrol on the Confirmation course.

When a Confirmation course is planned to commence, the start dates and any further details will be printed in the newsletter, posted on the parish website/Facebook page and announcements made after Mass

For more information or to request an enrolment form, please contact Father.

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