Christmas Fair & Wreath Festival 2019

Over the weekend of Friday 29th November to Sunday 1st December, the Catholic Community in Melton celebrated its annual Christmas Fair and Wreath Festival.

Over 633 people visited the church to view the 97 beautiful homemade wreaths, tour the church, listen to pop in concerts and take a rest from the the town's Victorian Christmas Fayre. 

The Parish Christmas Fair, held on Saturday 30th November at Melton Museum was also very well attended. In total £1,652.96 was raised.

Thank you to everyone involved in organising the events and everyone who visited the Church and Fair. 

A special thank you to: St Francis School Choir for singing on Friday, Griff Wadkin (Resonations & the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire) who played two cello pop in concerts on Saturday, Melton Museum for the room hire, the Victorian Fayre & other churches for advertising the event, and last but not least Hawthorn, who kindly donated the lighting in the Church for the Festival and throughout the Christmas season.

Photo's of the event, courtesy of Alison, Ann and Sarah.

Winners of the Wreath Competition



Children (Under 11)

Children (Over 11)