Parish Updates

Last Update: 17/07/2021

School & Parish Foodbank

If you, or anyone you know, requires help please click here


Lifting of restrictions 19th July 2021

We have heard from the Diocese about lifting of restrictions on people attending Mass. Please continue to wear face masks if you can, sanitise your hands, and wait in your seat to be guided to receive Holy Communion row by row. You may now receive Holy Communion on the tongue if desired. There is no need to book a place at Mass but we will limit each row to 3 people or one family.

Sunday Obligation

Regarding the Sunday Obligation the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales states:

We are mindful of the certain fact that the Covid-19 virus is still circulating in society. Vaccines provide genuine protection against the worst effects of the virus, yet we recognise the legitimate fear on the part of some who otherwise desire to gather for Holy Mass. It is our continuing judgement, therefore, that it is not possible at the present time for all of the faithful to attend Mass on a Sunday thus fulfilling their duty to God.

It is hoped that it will be possible for all Catholics in England and Wales to fulfil this most important Church precept, that of the Sunday Obligation, by the First Sunday in Advent 2021.

Within our Parish, if you are starting to think about attending Mass again, but are still worried, you may want to consider attending one of the weekday Masses or the Saturday morning Mass as these are usually quieter.


Saturday's 10:30am - 12:00pm at St John's


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday's 10:30am - 11:00am and 5:30pm - 5:45pm at St John's or by appointment with Father.

Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals & Anointing of the Sick

Please contact Father Tom or the Parish Administrator.

First Holy Communion

Please can you register your interest by emailing St Francis Primary School's Head Teacher (Mrs Brown) directly or through a message in Class Dojo. 


All candidates must be at least 11 years old, practising Catholics (i.e. go to Church) and registered in this Parish. Please contact Father Tom for an application form to join the programme.


Your weekly contribution to the church by envelope or loose plate continues. If you are not able to attend church these may be posted to Fr Tom at 2 Burton Road, LE13 1DJ, or at the Convent, or at the Parish Office in an envelope marked weekly collection please. 

You can also make donations online via the Diocese of Nottingham's online giving page for our parish - simply click the button below.