St Francis' Convent Chapel

52 Dalby Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 0BP 


The Franciscan Sisters Minoress (FSM) were founded in 1888 in London and established in Melton Mowbray in 1900. Although not welcomed at first, their skills in education, home visiting and parish ministry soon resulted in the convent in Sherrard Street being too small and requiring a move - first to Thorpe End and then in 1903 to Tower House in Dalby Road. 

The Order thrived over the next Century responding to the call to develop schools, hospitals and houses around the UK, Ireland, South Africa and Ethiopia. Melton Mowbray became and remains the Mother House for the Order and the four acres of pastureland helped sustain their Ministry during difficult times, together with laundry work especially during the hunting Season. The sisters became well recognised and respected within the community. 

The current Convent Chapel of St Francis was blessed and opened on 1st July 1964 by the Rt Rev. Edward Ellis, Bishop of Nottingham. Interestingly this was the same week St Peter's was dedicated.  Although the Chapel isn't owned by the Diocese of Nottingham, the Franciscan Sisters have always opened the Chapel's doors to the parish. 

We are very grateful to the Sister's for offering the use of the Chapel for Sunday and Weekday Masses.


Sisters Ignatius and Helena with Deacon Stuart (former Parish Deacon), Fr Jim, Fr Kevin & Fr Tylka