
Teaching qualifications: In 2010, I earned the University of Leeds Teaching Award Professional Standard 2. I hold a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) since 2013

Teaching in 2024/25: In semester 1, I teach MATH3565/5566M: (Advanced) Mathematical Biology along with Martı́n López-Garcı́a

I proposed, conceived and designed the 3rd- and 4th-year modules MATH3567: Evolutionary Modelling and MATH5567M: Advanced Evolutionary Modelling. Since 2014, I have been managing and delivering MATH3567 and MATH5567M.

I also designed the module MATH0390: Foundation Pure and Applied Mathematics that I managed and delivered from 2018-2020.

Every year, I offer a MATH3001 project and generally supervise a group of 6 undergraduate students. I also regularly offer, MATH5000, MATH5003 and MATH5004 projects

Since 2009, I have taught the following maths modules in Leeds, at levels 0, 1, 3 and 5M